Life or death, it all comes down to us.

Life or death, it all comes down to us.

I am back at my desk after some time off. My dad recently passed away into the next realm, and my deep core told me that I needed the time to process my life with him and how his life ended. The tears have been plenty and the emotions have been all over the map. My...

Are you even just a little bit curious?

Hey diy Ass-kickers! Hope you enjoyed the Confidence Series the past few weeks. Confidence really is no big deal. Especially when we learn a few tricks of the trade. Oh, and decide that we’ve got all the power we need to let our confident selves fly. We are strong...

Staying sane in "those" relationships

What if you decided that all you need to do is love others?  And If you practiced that simple love without letting anything block it… How would you behave with them? What would be different for you? Most importantly, what would you be thinking about yourself and...