Put this on your to-do list!

Put this on your to-do list!

Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s time to be blunt. Sorry, but there are no magic wands to wave over your life to make things feel the way you want them to. I get it. You’re waiting for someone to tell you how to do it. How to fix things. How to do those things that will make...
Put this on your to-do list!

Self Help Can Suck

Hey diy Ass-kickers! Are you on a self-help hamster wheel? What a weird saying that is! Can you actually picture yourself right now on a hamster wheel?   Funny as it seems, we’ve all been there. And here’s how our thoughts go while we’re...

Your Determination Lives In You

In my new (read old) world, that means warm, sunny days that feel more like September. At least for now! So you know that emotional shit-kicking that I talk about a lot? It’s that place where outside forces have taken over our reality. Where our inner mean girl is the...