Help is the sunny side of control

Help is the sunny side of control

I was watching author Anne Lamott’s recent Ted talk the other day. A humorous take on life and the value of writing.One thing she said was especially interesting, and very true. “Help is the sunny side of control.” Boom. And boom again. Being a helper is a defining...

Life lessons in wine and coffee???

Hey diy Ass-kickers!   I have this space in my kitchen. It’s a wine/coffee bar. A place to make your morning coffee and pour your afternoon wine. Ok, your evening wine if that works better for you!   I adore that space. It’s not only funky...
When Sh*t Happens, Manage It

When Sh*t Happens, Manage It

Ever had shit happen in your life that was out of your control? Here’s one of my experiences and how I handled it. Over the past month or so, I’ve had 3 or 4 bouts of bad news given to me. News that left me feeling like crap. I won’t get into all the deets but the...