This is crazy making!

In the past week or so for me, 2 intelligent, thoughtful, amazing women I know have fallen to the effects of stress.

And I mean fallen hard.

The anxiety, panic, pain kind of fall. The kind where you wind up in emergency because you think you’re losing your mind or you don’t think you can breathe.


When are we going to start paying attention to what is happening in our lives?

When are we going to notice our body’s reaction to stressful lifestyles?

When are we going to start to acknowledge our need for alignment to ourselves and put us first?

Think about it for a bit. What are you doing that you know doesn’t work for you? Today. What did you do today that you know doesn’t fully work for you, but you did it anyway?

Where are you letting your voice be silenced? (Kamala Harris gave us all a good reminder of that one.) What did you not say that left you feeling shitty about yourself?

What subtle or not-so-subtle responses are you getting in that body of yours? The one and only body that you will ever have in your life. What do you intuitively know is not a sign of good health?

Because, all those people you don’t want to disappoint? All those things that you think must get done right now? All those things you tell yourself as reasons why you can’t put yourself first?

All those things are reduced to just thoughts that don’t serve us when we see the damage they can do to.

For the love of yourself, ponder this question. And if you know that you need some support with your answer, find me or any other person that will help you make the shifts that will support you being true to yourself. You deserve that and more.

What would it take for you to just sit with yourself, pretending you are alone in the world with none of the commitments you have today, so you can truly get to what you need to be happy AND therefore healthy?

Then you can begin to choose you.

Dianna xo

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