Being in this human experience, we are always in the motion of our life.

And being in motion means making decisions on the run, and designing our behaviours that follow those decisions. It sounds simple but it’s not always, not if we make decisions that are protective over ones that are made consciously.

Are you a conscious decision-maker or a protective one? I’ve been both in my lifetime and still get struck at times with the awareness that a certain decision could go both ways. Like…

Settling for less than best-for-us all the time is protective. Conscious decision-making has us looking inside for what we need that will best serve us before we make our choice.

Accepting and truly believing that we are incapable of having and living our wants, needs and desires is protective. Conscious decision-making has us staying with the belief that we are both capable and deserving, focusing on what we have over what we don’t have.

Relying on others to meet our needs is protective. Conscious decision-making has us practicing self-reliance, trusting in our understanding that the only one who can meet our needs is us, and open us to the path to get there.

Having a negative relationship with ourselves, our actions, behaviours, our choices we’ve made in the past and that we’ll make in the future, is protective. Conscious decision-making has us practicing full-on self-love and celebrating both our screw-ups and our wins without it changing our belief in ourselves.

Living and responding to life solely from our wounds is protective. Conscious decision making has us looking at what’s holding us back and the fear attached to it, then doing what serves us anyway in positive ways that serve us.

Conscious decision-making is all about awareness. Let yourself ponder, contemplate, consider, and decide, all from a place of what you truly need to be content and aligned to your authentic self. You can’t go wrong from there.

We all have choices when we make decisions. What’s your norm? Protective, conscious, or both?

Try this. Pick one area where you know you make protective decisions and change it up. Just one.

Let me know how it works out.

Dianna xo

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