Are you ready for some cool release?

Come join me in a small group of like minded women

for my group coaching program Writing for the Heal of it.

2 hours/week for 6 weeks, writing about what you’re ready to let go of,
coaching support, connection with other great humans,
gifts, and huge supportive love.
We start in May so jump in fast! Early bird pricing is in effect. ❤️


Hey Dianna!

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about letting someone have it when we’ve just had enough of what they’re dishing out.

You know what I’m talking about, the times when you just want to tell someone to go ‘ef themselves.

Been there, done that but I can’t honestly say that it ever really served me, aside from letting me release a smidgeon of pent up energy that was stuck in me from ignoring my own needs and not using my voice to express them. It left me misaligned from myself and with a head swirling with negative thoughts about the other person’s next move. (Wish I’d joined a writing class back then! Lol)

Trust me. Self-alignment feels waaaay better than my past experiences!

Getting back to ourselves is as simple as recognizing what our energy is around our own misalignment and making choices that fully serve us. It’s rebirthing the energy of conflict. Here’s how to get there…

First, look at what’s currently happening, what is the conflict about? What part of us that we hold all important is misaligned or out of whack? How and where does that show up in our body? (Headaches, stomach tension or nausea, health issues, you know the drill.)

Second, recognize what our thoughts and behaviours are about that energy of conflict. How does it leave us feeling about ourselves? How do we normally resolve those kinds of circumstances? Do we lash out, do we remain quiet, or is it something in between? What does all that look like?

Third, ask ourselves how we honour what we know to be true about us. That answer will be different for each one of us, but if it’s based on what we truly need, it’s never wrong. Honouring reminds us that we are made up of a bunch of truths, and from there we can consciously chose behaviours that feel right to us, like using our voices to express ourselves without apology or regret.

That’s when we rebirth the energy of conflict. Astrologically, this full moon is a time of rebirth, taking what we have wanted and tried before, and bringing it back up for us to experience in a new way. Everyone has thought about how to use their voice more, right?

When we’re aware and understand what’s happening for US, we have the chance to bring our true needs back to the surface and express them in a different way for a better outcome. We are no longer drained, we don’t feel badly about ourselves, and we don’t stay in the loop of negativity with someone else, who is likely just dealing with their own shit.

Is it time to rebirth using our voices?

Yes, and…

Hell Yes!

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