Become a Certified FYV Healer (CFYVH)

If you’re a coach, practitioner, helping or healing professional, or someone who is clear that their purpose is to support the self-healing of others …

Don’t miss the next fast tracked round of my Find Your Voice Certification training. It’s comprehensive, it’s practical, it’s magical, and will not only help you help others but will help you live more consciously too. The model has been built from my over 40 of experience helping women find and use their voices, and will give you practices and tools that are part of my current coaching practice.

Hit reply and I’ll send you more it! It’s going to be a blast!

I’ve realized something as I spiritually grow into being more of who I want to be and more aligned to my own inner self.

Rigidity doesn’t work.

Coming from the queen of “Stand up and say what you have to say without apology or regret”, may seem a bit ironic.

But I’m clear that rigidity in our approach to anything, especially using our voices, just doesn’t serve us.

There’s no handbook that we get when we learn to find and use those voices of ours, so we kinda have to wing it.

Being rigid in our thinking always leads to being rigid in our approach to issues and people.

Rigidity rarely is about what you’re drawing a line in the sand about, it’s more often about the relationship or exchange between you and who you’re being rigid with.

Being unnecessarily rigid has made mountains out of molehills and caused many a burst of anger, resentment and all that yucky stuff.

And the most important one that I can attest to personally … Being too rigid leaves no room for surrendering to the knowing of your soul.

Your soul, your inner self, knows you deeply and intimately and only wants what’s best for you. When it comes to using your voice, it wants us all to remember that sometimes, ok all the time, that peace and love are our real jam. Even if we haven’t noticed it in ourselves for awhile, it’s still true for every single one of us. It’s a need in ourselves, and when we ignore it, we’re not aligned with our souls (from a woo perspective) and we feel agitated and shitty (from a practical perspective). How cool is our inner self to remind us of where we can live closer to our own truth?

We still need to use our voices to express our needs, and when called for we need to express those needs clearly and loudly, apologies out the window. But we do that, not because the person we’re talking to is a jerk who never listens anyway. That person is just in a different state of consciousness than you are and has different ideas and perspectives.

We do it because expressing ourselves is how we get to our own bliss. And it just isn’t blissful to be stewing in rigidity about who’s right and who’s wrong.

When was a time in your past you were super rigid about something? Maybe you knew it didn’t feel quite right inside, or you were absolute that your rigidity was totally called for, it doesn’t matter. Think about it now. How might you have handled it that would have made you feel better? Closer to your own soul?

Hindsight can be 20/20, right? Just food for thought, today’s invitation to kick your own ass. 🙂

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