
That word automatically takes me to a place of love and warmth, like a holding of my heart. Yummmmm… I hope it does that for you too.

Compassion is the cool thing to be practicing right now. It’s a cornerstone of self-nourishment, and a big self-healer. No doubt you’ve dipped your toe into practicing compassion with others and maybe even yourself a little, or hopefully a lot!

But compassion isn’t a just a stand alone thing, a one and done, fix-all kind of tool on its own. I’ve seen plenty of women use the idea of compassion as a crutch or an excuse for not standing up for themselves.

“I’m having a me-day and ignoring the world” can be us hiding behind the idea that being kind, loving and accepting of ourselves means that we don’t have to do anything else. That’s not compassion and we’re missing so much if we believe that practicing compassion in this way alone will give us the expansion or the kind of life we want.

Yes, we need to be loving, kind, and non-judgmental with ourselves … always. But if we are to expand our lives, our experiences, and our consciousness, we also need to challenge those pieces of us that we feel safer just ignoring.

And we do that by taking action inspired by our inner selves or our souls.

We need to spend time with our her and understand what she needs.
We need to take that breath and say what needs to be said, whatever it is.
We need to honour our desires for a freaking good life.

This is the scary part of expansion. Scary because it asks us to think and be different than what has been our own normal.

It requires us to be truly compassionate with ourselves as we make our way through to where we should always go first … our inner selves.

Compassion doesn’t change the fact that expansion requires action. Compassion is a support to the process, not the process itself, and absolutely needs to be ingrained in everything we do.

Got a thought on compassion? Email me, I’d love to hear about it.

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