Hey diy Ass-kickers
It’s true! Consistency = Momentum.

Are you the kind of woman who decides her goals and just makes them happen, no matter what? I love that.

Or are you like so many women that I have crossed paths with over the years of this work who wants something more but has trouble making it happen. She may start out strong, but has a tough time keeping the momentum going.

Again, consistency = momentum.

So what can you do to maintain your consistency? I used to sleep in my gym clothes so there was one less thing to do when the alarm went off at 5:30 am. One fewer reason to not get there for my workout. And seriously, we all look the same at that time of the day in the gym!

Maybe you’re not concerned about working out. And maybe mornings aren’t your thing. So what is? And what’s in your way? How can you make it easier on yourself to actually make it happen?

Get rid of the crap food in your kitchen that makes you feel less than energized and good. One less thing to have to be concerned about when you’re hungry.

Schedule regular time to do biz stuff that’s a must and put it in your calendar in permanent marker. Nothing erases permanent marker so you know its time to sit your ass in the chair and go.

Set your morning alarm with music that greets you with energy, high level or mid range, something that makes you smile and makes it less of an effort to get out of bed for that 15 meditation or a quiet cup of coffee before the kids wake up.

Your’s to figure out.

If momentum is created by consistency, make it easier to be consistent.

And please don’t shit on yourself if you mess up a day, you are human after all. Focus on the next day like you didn’t have a miss at all.

What’s the place where you want to be consistent to create habit change or reach a goal?

How are you gonna make it easy to show up?

Remember that the more you show up, the more you will want to show up.

Now that’s what I call easy!

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