Your voice.

Is it strong and confident? Do you speak your mind, from your heart, from your deep core where you know what you need?

Or is your voice quiet? Do you tend to keep your volume to a whisper, flying below the radar of challenges or conflicts, or even from thinking that you can ever be more than you are now.

If you have my co-authored book, you will have read my chapter called Freeing Your Voice: Healing Through Full Expression of Your Truth.

I won’t spoil the read for you, but that chapter not only includes my favourite tool for understanding yourself as a platform to use your voice from. That chapter is also my story of living with a voice that I allowed to stay quiet.

I can remember many times as a child and young adult when I chose dulling or silencing my voice over confidently saying what I needed or wanted. There was the time when Santa asked me “Do you have any brothers or sisters who are here with you today?

I whispered no. Not because my 4 older siblings weren’t there, but because I didn’t want to upset or embarrass them or be a bother to the big guy in red. So I stayed quiet and felt guilty about not being honest for the rest of my childhood years.

It’s not that I wasn’t nudged to speak my truth, in hindsight there were lots of times I was not just nudged but pushed to shift my actions. It was just that the practice of disregarding my needs had become such common place for me that I let it continue.

Until I didn’t.

How about you? How do you use your voice?

Using your voice is not about being strong or weak, it’s about confidently expressing what we need to stay aligned with ourselves and do what feels good to us. 

Maybe that’s because she doesn’t feel worthy or deserving. Maybe she’s afraid of push back from others. Maybe the fear is just too much for her to move aside right now.

Or maybe it’s because she doesn’t know herself enough to be confident in her own expression. As I say in my chapter, confidence is based in part on being sure of what we’re saying or doing. If we know ourselves from our deep core out, we’re already ahead of the game.

We all started out in this world knowing what we needed and we made sure that others did too. Making our voices strong like doesn’t mean we need to start controlling everything around us. It means connecting with ourselves to get clear on what we want and why.

Grab the book girl, you’ll read more on finding your voice in Chapter 22. I’ll even send you a personally autographed copy. Oh man, was that rock-star’ish or what? 🙂

If you feel your voice is quieter than you’d like, if you avoid saying what you want or need in any given situation, or if you long for the confidence to just be yourself, it’s time to look where you might be getting in your own way.

Like me.

And if you do get the book and want to use your voice to fire some questions to me or ask for support, you know where to find me.

Dianna xo

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