I’m kinda reeling over here, there is some serious shit going on in my life, of the good kind!

Find Your Voice, Save Your Life just came out last February, and now Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 2’s Launch Party is blasting off on August 3rd on Facebook! Can you believe that?

I’m excited, absolutely. But this isn’t just about getting books published for me. It’s about getting my message out that women can, and should use their voices to get what they want and need to make their lives feel great. If you’ve read the first book, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

The women who wrote those chapters are warriors, most fighting not just the outside elements that held them back, but also their own inner selves that told them for so long that they couldn’t have what they knew they needed. When they finally decided enough was enough, they stood up loud and proud and used their voices to live themselves a better life.

Even though I hear those kinds of stories pretty much every day, the strength of the women who tell them is still inspirational. I’m so grateful to be doing this work.

But it’s not random, it’s actually a well thought out plan that started with me wanting to do work that made me feel good.

When we look at our lives as a whole, we’re going to find several areas that we know to be important to us. They can be anything that we feel we need in our lives to be happy. (Note…I didn’t say what someone else thinks will make us happy. Big difference.)

Figuring out what those things are, right down to your favourite colour of toe nail polish, is part of the Find Your Voice, Save Your Life book series and also what we do in You’ll Get Everything You Want When You Find Your Voice, both in groups and 1-1 with me.

How can you get there? There is a formula that I use but here what I ask myself when my own life needs more clarity about where I spend my time and energy to feel good.

If I were alone in this world, no commitments, no one to answer to, only myself to please, what would I be doing?

It’s a quick way to get through the crap that we pile on ourselves, like continually putting ourselves second to other’s wants, still working at the job we hate, still playing small to stay safe, and still tolerating the behaviour of others that we know in our gut is wrong for us.

These women, these books, these programs, and this work is how I connect to one area of my life that leaves me feeling great. And I have to build parameters around it that allow me to connect with all the other areas of my life that I love too, like my cutie little grand babes and my man love.

Try starting the conversation with yourself. Leave the bullshit behind, grab your journal, and start talking about what feels great to you. You might be surprised at what comes out.

And if you need any more inspiration, get the books! Or call me, you could do that too! 🙂

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