Can you relate to any of these?

“If I get that new job, then I will be happy.”

“If I could just find a partner who loves me, then my world would be complete.”

“If I didn’t have so much to do, then I could work on myself.”

My line was, “If I just finish that degree, then I will be respected.”

But I never got there. Even though I tried on numerous occasions to go back to school, the outcome was always the same. Funny how if we don’t change our tactics, our experiences don’t change either.

When I was a kid, I heard my parents say so many times “When we retire we’re going to do ….. and have ….. and life will be perfect.”

They never got there either. My mom died within months of retirement.

There may be lots of things we want to do, be, or get. But the longer we wait for those illusive things to arrive, the more we question our own value. What’s wrong with me that I can’t get it? Clearly I’m not good enough at manifesting. I’m not a good enough person to have it.

Do you really want to spend your time in that mindset?

Truth is, if you wait for something outside of you to show up and make you feel the way you want to feel, you will only feel like shit along the way, and what you’re looking for will never arrive. There will always be something missing even after you have what you were sure would do it.

Woman, you’re getting in your own way.

Choose the positive, choose the joy, choose what gives you the feelings you’re looking for.

For me, it was doing things that made me feel respect for myself, doing things with full integrity and from my highest self. I didn’t need to look for it from outside sources when I found it inside.

Intentionally connect with the illusive feelings you want, and you won’t be waiting anymore.

When you catch yourself thinking that you need something in your life to make you happy, make a conscious decision to bring yourself back to right now, the present moment. Choose to engage in things that rock your world, and even scare you some that will give you the peace, acceptance, love, respect, whatever it is that you are looking for.

You don’t have to wait for happiness, joy or contentment.

You have it all right now.

xoxo Dianna

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