How did the holiday go? Relative to the whole “what I want to feel thing”?

Did you identify how you wanted to feel during the holiday? And were you able to direct your actions to things that bring you those feelings?

You know you can hit reply and tell me how it went. Did the holiday offer you what you wanted it to, or did it offer you places to learn more about what you need to feel what you want to feel? Either way is ok.

Now it’s time to figure out our New Year. Not that I subscribe to making changes just because of the calendar date when there are far more gentle, successful ways to make the changes you want.

Sadly, most new year resolutions come from us going a bit ape-shit over having resolutions in place to fix all the things we don’t like about ourselves. If you attach your behaviour to what you think you “should” do to improve yourself, you will probably never hit the mark you’re aiming for.

Boo. That never did work for me and it likely hasn’t for you either. What does work for us are feel-good processes that actually produce lasting changes.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that each year I share my workbook Bring It! and it’s free as my gift to you for a kick-ass process that is all about you and all for you!

Bring It! is a workbook chock-full of coaching questions that will help you put your 2020 to bed and to help you plan for your 2021. You get to take a good long look at what didn’t work this past year and what you want next year to look like and be like for you. All it requires is a quiet space, dedicated time and a pencil.

Here is the audio intro I made for you to get you started on the worksheets.

And here is the Bring It Workbook.

Happy New Year, lovelies. Big hug and much love for it being what you most desire!

Since this is YOUR new year, how about YOU Bring It?

Dianna xo

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