Well it’s still here. Covid I mean.

It’s still here, weaselling it’s way into our daily lives and throwing us off our intended game. Even as we begin to open back up to the way things were in our communities, we’re still faced with how we will manage ourselves and our families within the copious expectations being placed on us.

The ups and downs are a huge pain in the ass. One day you’re feeling like you’ve got a handle on the whole thing, then BAM that little weasel shows up and everything emotional is up in the air again. Our reactions go from serious anxiety, to checking out with whatever is immediately in front of us, to overwhelm and exhaustion. Grab the sanity ring while you can girls, cause it’s not likely to last long!

I keep hearing women say “Stupid Covid”. And other than not using the word stupid in front on my grandkids, in my weaker moments I could say the same thing. But calling something stupid is just a reaction to feeling helpless, and we women are anything but helpless.

Sidenote…when we’re called to rant about something, we need to rant so hit reply to this email and rant all you like. It’s called safe ranting, and yes, I am declaring it a real thing! You’re welcome! 😁

Back to our reality, It rings true to me that part of us is dying as we adjust ourselves wants to find some kind of new normal or emotional balance here. But any kind of death leads to rebirth, and that’s where my thinking is going.

What can we birth from this experience to give ourselves an even better life than we had before?

And that can be anything that warms our hearts and leaves us feeling grounded and safely aligned with our deep core.

For me that’s about taking more responsibility for the earth and for myself.

By paying attention to my environmental footprint by avoiding single use plastics because I want a planet that is healthy and sustainable. It was so cool to see how quickly the planet recovered when we were all isolating at home, right?

By paying closer attention to the fine print of what goes on or into my body, because I want to be healthy enough to live strong. Crap in our bodies hurts us and the environment. (PS, check out kellyskitchenspa on Instagram, she’s been hanging out in the Wine Parties showing us how to make body care products from stuff we commonly have in our kitchens. Seriously, lemon juice make a great deodorant!)

By allowing more room in my life to just be, feeling my emotions, letting go of the old normal, managing my thoughts that don’t serve me, and self-nourishing to fully recharge, because to BE me I need to kick my own booty before I change the world! 😆

And by allowing myself to be part of a larger movement of women who are searching for something in the midst of loss. That means mourning the death of what was, to leave room for what can be.

I’m not entirely sure what that new normal will look like yet, for me or for the world. I know it’s a moving target so I fully expect that our engagement within that new normal will change, probably often!

I also know that we take back some of our power by approaching any change with acceptance, compassion and deep self-awareness of how we feel right now, how we really want to feel, and how we want to show up.

Just imagine what’s possible…

Dianna xo

Don’t forget my Covid Resource page, full of things that you can engage in to support you as the weaselling continues!

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