Your highest self.
What does that mean to you? Better yet, what does it mean for you?
Your highest self is who you are in your deep core. It’s all the truths about you, what you need to be whole, how you live and give in this world, and what you need to do to be able to shine your own light. It’s us when we are self-aligned, and it’s messages come through your heart.
It’s kind of the opposite of the woman who does so much for others that she’s exhausted and resentful (though she keeps that last part a secret). It’s the opposite of the woman who works so hard to not feel her feelings in case she loses it, and finds ways to numb out so she can keep going. The opposite of the woman who ignores her need for serious self love and self nourishment of all kinds.
That highest self wasn’t always something that I understood or used. I always knew that my heart was the best advice-giver ever and that I felt better every time I followed it. But I often let my head make my decisions for me and that didn’t work out well.
Our hearts will lead us to being true to what we need, want and desire. Our highest self is waiting for us to get those needs met, to be true to ourselves, and to use that truth to inform and manage our relationships. Life is all about the relationship, right?
Our heads will keep us in fear. Fear isn’t something that serves our highest self, it’s what keeps us playing small or playing like we don’t matter.
Here is an example. I was talking to a client the other day about taking a specific action she was interested in, and everything about it lined up for her…everything. It was synchronicity at its best, rather uncanny actually. That was her heart speaking, showing her the goodness of what she was contemplating and reflecting it out around her, where the Universe had lined up all the things that she wanted.
But she recognized that she was hesitating. As a woman who strives to be her highest self, she could tell the difference between the heart speak, and the fear that was created when she let her head take over and entertained the what if’s. In the end, she chose to feel the goodness of her heart and have an experience that she knew would help her grow and get closer to that highest self.
I’ve learned that I prefer to be in a feeling of alignment with my needs, to be with that synchronicity that reminds me that I’m on the right path, to be striving to be my highest self all the time. When something happens that begins to paralyze me by being fearful of what might happen, I sit with it and get clear about what I really want and how I want to feel. My heart wins every time.
When have you been caught between your heart and your head? Which way did you go? Heart speak or head speak? Hit reply and share!
You know my wish for you, don’t you? That you always choose to align with your highest self, and you use your heart to get there.
Dianna xo
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