I’ve been talking a lot lately about losing our voices.


Because first of all, losing your voice is something that pretty much every woman experiences at some point in her life, including me. Secondly, using your voice is HARD!

Being unable to use your voice isn’t just about not speaking up for yourself, not expressing an opinion around a corporate table, or not telling your partner that something isn’t working for you. There is more.

It’s expecting yourself to conform to something or someone else’s way of thinking, and adapting your behaviour to outside expectations over your own. Like how we dress so we’re not too slutty. Like the work we do because that’s what our parents expected of us or because it pays the bills. Like the big or little lies we tell other people to avoid a conflict or to make us look  better in their eyes. And like the stories we act out about not being able to be ourselves, avoiding the shit storm of shame that we think we’ll experience if we admit our real truth.

Believe me when I tell you that living from a place of a quieted or silenced voice isn’t really living, it’s just floating around waiting for the next shoe to drop. Always feeling less than most of the rest of the world.

My work has always been about helping women be strong enough to use their own voices, aligning themselves to who they really are inside and to speak from that truth. At first glance, that seems like hard work but it’s far easier than a life where how you see yourself, gets continually chipped away.

Welcome to the Voices of Women Project, a published collaboration of women’s stories that needs  women like you. Women who want to write healing words for themselves and others. No writing experience necessary!

I’m looking for women who have had their voice blocked, and I want you to tell your story. Healing practitioners are welcome too.

You have a story, we all have a story. And that story is full of experiences, feelings, and emotions like shame and fear. sprinkled with something like hot pepper sauce. It’s powerful stuff, for you and for people who read it.

This project is a source of healing, as you write your story you’re able to see themes and trends that occurred over your lifetime that directed you to where you are today. Similar to journalling, putting your story on paper takes it our of your body and creates huge awareness for how you can move forward in a way that is aligned with that woman you really, truly are.

It’s also meant to be a source of healing for another woman who may see a bit of herself in your story, and decide to start healing too. Think of the times when you have read another woman’s story and felt connected to it in some way. That’s awareness right there, and awareness leads to growth.

There is way more to the project, too much to share here, including writing coaching to help you figure out your story.

If you see yourself on this page, know that I see you too and I would love to gab more about you and the project.  Here is the link to book a time together.

You are meant to use your voice and be heard. You deserve to use your voice and be
heard. You will experience incredible healing from using your voice and being heard.

It’s no exaggeration that using your voice can save your life. And through the Voices of Women project, you will give other women that same chance.

And through the Voices of Women project, you will give other women that same message.

You can hit reply and ask any questions you have about the project, or book in some time to learn about the whole project.

Find your voice. Save your life.

Thinking that may just be a great title…

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