You know when you feel stressed? When shit is happening in your life that leaves you feeling pressured and under fire?

What we call stress is actually our body, mind and spirit’s reaction to us not being in sync with our own needs, wants and desires. It’s about self-alignment.

When my kids were little, they always came first. Then there was keeping my relationship with my hubby healthy, and after that was being the best women’s advocate I could be.

I aligned with my need to keep my kids safe and secure.
I aligned with my need to be a good partner in my marriage.
I aligned with my want for women to stand up for themselves and not be treated as less than.

What I didn’t align myself with were my own desires. Yes, even young moms get to have desires for themselves and only themselves. If hindsight were 20 20, right?

Back then I didn’t pay attention to my own desires. I was just too busy which seriously was only an excuse to ignore myself for others.

I was exhausted. I never knew if I was actually doing any part of life right, and I was stressed. I thought it was part of being a mom. It’s not.

I was not in alignment with myself. If I had been, I would have been clear about all my needs, wants and desires. From there I would have seen a path to getting my needs met in a healthy, loving way.

Instead of feeling stressed and exhausted, I would have felt supported and peaceful, making choices that worked for me.

There is a simple start to getting to that peaceful place if you’re up for it.

Start where you are.

When the stress begins to bubble up for you, in your family or anywhere else, instead of blaming shit that’s happening to you on “life”, use your powers of awareness to take a closer look.

Where do you feel misaligned from yourself? Where are you disconnected from your own needs, wants and desires? What is missing?

And if you need some help, call me sister. That’s what I’m here for.

Dianna xo

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