Hi everyone

I’ve been thinking about COVID19 and listening to the crazy-making fear and worry that is welling up around me in my community, and I imagine in yours.

While all that is happening, you’ve had a bunch of emails from me about the Inner Goddess Challenge (and more are scheduled) but I want you to know that it’s ok to focus on what is right in front of you today.

The reaction to COVID19 is not just scary, it’s sad. One of my daughters shared that as she shopped today for health care needs, she watched an older couple get lost in the fabric of too many people frantic to get what they needed. That brought tears to my eyes.

The advice coming at us from out there is almost too much to absorb, but I have found one piece that is sticking with me.

Let this time be a time for all of us to slow down.

Let’s be connected to what we need every day to lower our emotional pace instead of being caught in the layers of worry. That holds the potential of leaving us even more immune compromised than we may already be.

I will be slowing down and not expect myself or the world around me to hustle.

I hope you are with me.

Much love

Dianna xo

Back in the day, I went through a rough patch. Long story short, the final blow was realizing that my relationships had taken a very big hit and were seriously suffering.

It was like the perfect storm of emotional-shit kickings, and I wasn’t the person I had been, or always desired to be. And in my stuckness, I regressed quite nicely into a woman who looked outside of myself for validation, comfort, and control.

That shit happens to us. When we continuously look outside of ourselves for answers to our contentedness, we get comfy in ways that don’t uplift us. Ways that seem easy to us right then but instead make our lives that much harder.

We are looking for ways to feel better. The trouble is, our happy doesn’t live outside us, where we compare ourselves, where we demand perfection of ourselves, or where we live by someone else’s rules. Or where we avoid what we are really feeling.

The bar for our own happy lives inside us. In our deep core. And luckily, we have a goddess in there who is longing to share all she knows with us.

This is the bottom line of self-help from where I sit. I’ve coached countless women who want so much more but are not sure how to get it, when actually we can get what we want by looking inside and trusting what we see, hear and know.

I have created the Inner Goddess Challenge to show you how to connect to your goddess. Why? Because the understanding of who we are and what we need to be more content is worth knowing.

I’m not done sharing about the need to dive deep inside ourselves for our own answers to what brings us down or lights us up. There is more to come so stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you are good being “comfy” right now, maybe that’s your path at the moment. While you are there, I guarantee you will learn about yourself and how you feel when you are misaligned from your own deep core.

(Btw, if you are reading this in your super comfy jammies, that is good comfy. Unless you wear them to the grocery store, that’s just asking for people to look at you longingly and wish they were doing the same.)

Or,if you want to learn more about how to connect with the beauty inside you, join us for the free Inner Goddess Challenge.

Because we can all regress quite nicely, but it doesn’t mean we feel good.

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