Hey diy Ass-kickers!

How’s it going with those new year changes you were planning to make? Thought I’d ask since it’s coming up to “the” date when people usually have dumped them for their old routines, once again feeling shitty about themselves for not following through.

Hopefully you gave some thought to my tips last week for taking a good look at the changes you want to make and have an easier plan for making them happen!

And easier it should be, as long as we let it. Either we are driven by the date on the calendar, an event that’s coming up that requires a size 4 dress, and/or by our limiting beliefs about ourselves.

When that’s our headspace, we don’t feel like there’s any choice but to push ourselves to the limit, do things we wouldn’t normally do, or create entirely new routines for ourselves that, as much as we try, are just not part of what we need to thrive.

Thriving. Have you ever just gotten down and dirty about that?

Thriving is not about making a list of things that need changing and the guts to push through to get there. (Driven is never a word that works well for women.) Thriving is about deciding what may need tweaking in your life and how you can get there with acceptance, resolve, respect, love, and ease.

What if you let ourself make changes gently? What if, instead of looking at the big hill you need to climb, you saw a peaceful path to being the woman you want to be? What if you changed your limiting thoughts that become your limiting beliefs, deciding they are just old records that play in your head and screw with your plans? What if you change your routines or your habits into behaviours that actually serve you…aka, make you feel like you are thriving just by doing them?

Change, and life in general, does not need to be hard. It’s hard when we decide to make it hard for ourselves. Easy is accessible when you decide not to kill your spirit to get there.

What would change for you if you decided that thriving was what you really wanted for yourself in this decade?

You can always find out.

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