What if you loved your life so much that you didn’t care what other people did?

I used to be that person with my middle finger extended at all times while I drove anywhere. It was ready to make sure people who drove like aholes knew that I was not happy about it.

But as I grew into a life where I was more concerned for myself than what other people were doing, that changed.

I was just too busy noticing all the goodness of my life around me, and being thankful that I was there to experience it. It became my new norm to say to other drivers, “Thanks for keeping me held back in traffic. I am always meant to be wherever I am.”

The icing on the cake? My driving is much safer, my stress levels have decreased by a trillion, I’m much more grounded in positive over negative, and I’ve stopped complaining about what other people do to my day. Ugghhh, that feels heavy just thinking about the years of complaining I did.

Because I decided to love my life, I began focussing on something very different, and I made choices about what those things needed to be for me to feel good.

Now when others come to me and ask if I’ve heard what another person has done, my answer is simple.

“I wish them well, but it’s not my business and I really don’t care.”

Where do you tend to slip into focusing more on the behaviour of other people, over the beauty of your life?

My mother used to say “To each, their own.”

And my own is feeling pretty damn good!

Thanks Mom.

Dianna xo

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