Seriously, if you thought about it long enough, you could avoid doing anything.
We ruminate, we worry, we anxiously picture what might happen if we step out of our comfort zone. And we sink back down and get lost there, while not moving a muscle toward getting what we want.
Using our own voice to express who we are and what we need, want and desire is a right of all women. It’s also a responsibility that we owe ourself.
Self doesn’t give a shit that you have a check list of things that you need to “figure out” before you stand up for her.
Self doesn’t give a shit that you keep getting quieted or silenced by life.
Self doesn’t give a shit that you are scared. Self only cares that you are aligned with what you need to be fulfilled, feeling joy, and feeling good! And that means sticking up for her.
It’s time for women to realize that there are so many ways that we are silenced that if we don’t start speaking up for ourselves we will never make change, for ourselves or for our daughters.
People may not agree with what you say when you speak up for yourself, or they may. That’s on them. It’s your job is to agree with what you say when you speak up, and that it’s aligned with what you need to be content.
It’s time to stop giving a f*ck and start using your voice. #FYVSYL #powerfulwomen #itstime Tweet that!
What if using your voice shifted things for you just one little bit? What would that feel like?
You can chase the excuses around forever.
But then, you’ll always be where you are now.
Go for it girl, and you know I wanna hear about it!!
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