As much as I’d like to ignore our current circumstances, I can’t ignore that women are struggling right now. Fear, anxiety and depression seem to top the list of feelings that are dragging us down.

Even women who feel like they have all their shit together still have to manage all the emotional (and practical) ups and downs of living with Covid.

So I have something to ask you.

Where are you?

Are you in the rabbit hole, peeking out of the rabbit hole, dancing beside it, or somewhere in between?

If this feels like one very large fucking rabbit hole to you, like it certainly has to me, it’s easy to let your mind wander to how weird this all feels, when is this going to be over, why do I feel like I’m on a never-ending roller coaster of emotions. (Ps My Covid-19 programs are here if you need more support with your version of the rabbit hole.)

And thinking about doing anything to better yourself or your experiences is met with the resistance of a million reasons why you can’t.

“There is nothing I can do, it’s all out of my control.”

“I can’t think about my own stuff, there are just too many other things to do and people who need it more than me.”

“I am just too tired (aka overwhelmed) to think about making any shifts in my life right now, maybe after this is all over.”

So right now, many of us are doing nothing.

I had a client say recently that she had been unhappy for a long time and just didn’t want to be that way anymore.

Obviously the pandemic isn’t going anywhere soon and I am sure as shit not suggesting that we just be happy about it. But no matter what the circumstance, there is always room to consider what it would be like to have the experiences you want to have, regardless of Covid.

I’m not talking changing shit into flowers but simply doing things to shift your experiences to be closer to what feels good to you than what feels bad. For you. Not the rest of the world for awhile, just you.

What could you do to improve your relationship with your partner/spouse/housemate right now, even though you may be wanting to pull each other’s hair out?

What could you do to improve your relationships with friends, extended family and neighbours, even though you need to physically distance from them?

What could you do to make your connection to your kids even stronger than it is now, even as they take over the whole house and eat you out of food every other day?

What could you do to build your confidence in your ability to keep your family safe right now, even with directives being all over the map?

What could you do to increase your energy and your overall mental/physical health while this is all happening, even though you are pulled to hit the couch for long periods of time?

Doing things that are in your control that increase the goodness of your everyday experiences is how you help yourself feel better. You consider the experiences you want to have and set that bar relative to what you can do within the current circumstances.

No one is feeling great about this global pandemic.

But, like any and all emotional shit-kickings, you get to adjust your experience as you see fit.

Just one experience at a time.

I love hearing how women improve their lives, so hit reply and tell me what you did to make yourself feel better!

xoxo Dianna

P.S. Come join the Friday 4 pm EST Wine Parties, great topics for show and tell, and the connection with other women weathering the storm. Join up for the next one!

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