Starting over.

What does that bring up for you? Some will say excitement and others will say deep fear. Whatever we feel about starting over, a brand new year somehow feels like a good time for it.

You know that I believe we should make changes to our lives whenever we need to, not just when the calendar rolls over from one year to the next. Our power lies in us and our desires, not the calendar.

Truly, starting over can happen anytime when we shake up how we do the business of us. It’s us deciding what we don’t feel so great about, and beginning to do things differently to give us a different feeling.

But thinking about starting over can be scary and feel like a really big deal. “We don’t want to start over, we’re good right where we are, thank you very much”, we say while we pull the covers up over our heads.

Here are a few things that I know about starting over, and hopefully will help you come out of hiding and embrace the ‘eff out of it.

You are never too old to start over. Life isn’t over until it’s over and in the meantime, you wanna live full out. Right?

You are never too young to start over. You don’t have to have travelled the world or earned your PhD to know what you want and to go for it. The beauty of knowing yourself is that all of it is an inside job!

You are never too weak to start over. In our fearful moments, it can seem like we have no control over our future. We actually always have control over our future, because we have control over ourselves. Tell fear to sit this one out, you’re going to do what you want to make yourself feel better!

You are never too strong to start over. Awareness is a forever thing. One doesn’t reach a great point in our life, sits down and says I’m here. You may indeed be “here” but you have to stay “here”. One of my favorite questions is “How do I make this even better?”

Why do you need to embrace the ‘eff out of starting over? Because starting over is our chance to kick our own asses. We listen closely enough to ourselves to be completely aware of what we need and how to get it in a way that works for us. Being friends with starting over is like being friends with you.

My 2021 wish for you?

Let yourself start over.

Every single day.

Happy New Year, you amazing woman! Thanks for hanging out with me for another year!

Dianna xo

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