Hey diy Ass-kicker!

I get pissy too. Right now it’s about the weather, you know that thing that I have full control over. This is not the time to be stuck inside hiding from the pouring rain.

I get tired of listening to all this pandemic bullshit, where rules are not really rules and people seem all over the map about what to do, where to do it, and how to do it. Exhausting.

And I get sad when I can’t hug or make a cup of tea for my kids. When I can’t hold or play games with my grand babes, outside of a screen. When I can’t be right there for loved ones who are struggling with the anxious fear of not knowing what this virus will do to us.

When I feel things…good or bad…first I let them be there.

It doesn’t take an explanation. It doesn’t require giving my head a shake. And it doesn’t require me to act on them.

I just have to experience them.

After the feelings have moved through me, I’m able to remember that I’m not without control. I can’t change the pandemic or it’s impacts on me but I can change my perspective on it.

I can see this as time to work on me…since it’s a lifelong venture for us diy ass-kickers and all.

I can do things to keep me growing (the fun ideas are endless!).

I can do things to help other women grow (the fun ideas are still endless, including the one at the end of this post!).

And I can stop expecting that things should be the same and stay open to what’s right in front of me.

Believe me, when I need to process feelings, the world is better with me doing it alone. Things can get icky! But I know for sure that until I get through my feelings, new perspectives are super tough to find if I can see them at all.
It’s kind of ironic that as women, overkill of our helping nature is often how we avoid our true feelings. Guess Covid-19 has us all by the short and curlies then, cause unless you have found new ways to avoid those feelings, you’re stuck with them.
Pissy? Tired? Sad? Disappointed? Scared? No problem, that’s all ok.
After you’re done with your processing (and I personally recommend doing it with chocolate, popcorn and a Christmas movie), how about you get on with your new perspective and what you can make better because of it.

P.S. Friday Zoom Wine Parties are now inviting women with a skill they care to share to do just that in a party coming up. Is that you? Hit reply and let me know! And don’t freak out about not having sharable skills, I’m prone to calling bullshit!

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