I am so pumped to be launching my new collaborative book in 2 days!!

But as excited as I am, there is still that little voice that says…what if no one reads it, what if the world hates it, what if it’s not going to be what I want it to be?

So that little voice and I had a chat. Thank you, I know you actually mean well but you are getting in my way of celebrating.

Because truthfully, I don’t want to feel shitty ever, let alone about something as bucket-list as publishing this book.

I know doing this has helped the co-authors heal.

I know the book’s words, even for the advanced readers, have helped them consider their voices and how they want to use them more.

With that my job could be done, that could be enough.

But wait. Why settle?

I want more than just “enough”. More voice, more goodness from this book and future books (yep, 2nd Edition is in the works so reply to this email if you’ve got a story to tell), and more feeling good.

So as a diy loving ass-kicking action, I will continue to be clear about what I want. I will continue to be clear about managing my inner mean girls who can pull the rug out from under me.

And I will continue to say “Hell, yes!” to engaging in projects and relationships that make me feel great!

How about you, my friends? You can do the same.

Feeling good doesn’t just happen. It’s purposeful, action oriented, and self loving.

It’s knowing what we want and going for it. It’s being afraid and doing it anyway. It’s not letting shit hold us back.

It’s us BEING, and making choices that support that.

Are you ready to show yourself that you too can make yourself feel good?

Please join all the co-authors of Find Your Voice, Save Your Life: Powerful Women, Real Stories on Facebook to view our Zoom launch party on this Tuesday at 10 am. Here is the link….

We will all be celebrating our own BEING!

Dianna xo

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