Where are you in your journey to living in goodness and bliss?

Me? Most days I’m great, but on occasion, I still feel the pull of denser energies taking me to places where my brain/ego work overtime, and I question my own ability to stop myself from falling down the rabbit hole.

It’s life, right? But life is not meant to be a constant up and down like a roller coaster. It … we … are meant to live in blissful acceptance of whatever is going on around us, always aligned to our own needs, wants and desires, and to actively go looking for things that make us feel the bliss even more (and the warm love that it holds for us), and fucking do them!

I get that we don’t wake up one morning and begin to live be that person without any blips or trip-ups. We do live in a human world, after all, and there are plenty of influences that can get in our way.

I also get that trying to change things from the outside is futile. Other people and shitty circumstances are simply not changable. So it won’t be any surprise to you to hear me say, one more time, that it’s all on us, an inside job. Yep, every bit of our response to our life’s experiences, including our bad hair days, belongs to us.

A burden you might say. I say a gift. And I say that as a former voiceless woman who knows that using our voices to express our own needs is how we get those needs met.

But, assuming you accept your responsibility to kick your own ass like I do, we still don’t always know how to manage all those influences, all those triggers, all those “wounds”. We don’t always know what to do about all those things that don’t seem want to fall into place.

That’s when it’s time to talk about your current and desired experiences. It’s time to confirm the practices that currently support you to manage denser energies, and it’s time to find additional practices that can help you shift your vibration upward from feeling crappy or worse.

That’s my job. And I work that with great pride. Not so much about puffing my chest for anything I’ve done, my chest puffing is reserved for deep breathing meditations. 🙂

The pride comes from clearly understanding the self-healing process that will take you from wherever you are with using or not using your voice, and improve your access to living a life that feels good to you. The changes I’ve made to my work and my personal life, are based my own desire to live in bliss over bullshit. It’s time to hold me close, to nurture me, to do things that make my heart warm, to share my purpose in the world, and honour and unconditionally love ME. That means doing everything differently.

So, I figured it was time to share all the shenanigans that are currently on the Crave More Life platter. And yes, they all tick all the boxes above!

Shenanigan #1
The 3 for 3 group (Stand By Me) you’ve heard about has a spot open. This is the new way I’m spending time with women because group work is so healing and supportive. We don’t start until September but we’re connecting in a WhatsApp group until then to promote our theme of standing by our own souls, and using our voices to express what we need.

This isn’t a place for the weak of heart, or for those who know they would love to be fully voice-full (and voice-fun!) but are not ready to commit to figuring out how. It’s full on face your stuff, be prepared to dig to know exactly what your soul wants (because that’s what will make you happy), and figure out how to support your body, mind, emotions and soul, ongoing.

It’s where the rubber meets the road. It’s where we serve ourselves without ignoring the relationships we love or hating on anyone else. It’s where we wake up and know that today is going to be a good day, and we know we deserve it, we can choose it, and we can support ourselves through any rough patches.

Shenanigan #2
The Find Your Voice Healer Certification Training is on starting again this June! Yay! Expressing ourselves through using our voices is THE way to get to the goodness in life we want. I’m using mine to tell you that I need your help to share that message. Plus, the training for you as a holistic practitioner is freaking awesome and is wide open for you to use whatever your version of magic is within. Previously trained FYV Healers are energy workers, yoga instructors, and acupuncturists to name a few. Consideration is given for anyone who heals the world with their modality or their message, so let’s have that conversation.

This is a place for healers who love helping people succeed based on their own understanding of what success means to them. We take deep dives into The Silencing of Voice, Radical Self-Healing, Deep Core Mapping, Life Hacking Relationships, The Conscious Lifestyle, and Integrating the FYV Model into your work.

Shenanigan #3
The Gathering is a network for healers, or those who identify as healers (I know women whose purpose is simply to spread joy, how much more healing can one be?) We meet monthly to discuss topics that matter to us, with the understanding that if we are to further our work, we must support the personal and the professional roles we play.

Shenanigan #4
Find Your Voice Boutique Summit. That’s all I can say at the moment, as it hasn’t been announced fully quite yet. I promise you will be the first to know the details!

Shenanigan #5
This one is so new that I can’t even give you a name or anything other than the word trees. 🙂 Holy moly, it’s exciting! For now you’ll need to wait for the plan to develop a bit more!

Shenanigan #6
Writing for the Heal of It has begun again but you can still join in. It’s free for members of my Facebook group Find Your Voice Women. Just as the name suggests, we write to further our own self-healing. Join the FB group HERE and and message me that you want in. Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm EST for the month of May.

DM me for more info on any of this, I’d love to share how they might support you while you forge through life to your own shenanigans!

Thanks for being here. I love you for that.

And while you are meandering through your day to day life, remember this…

Using your voice is EVERYTHING!

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