When I picture my life in my mind, I see all parts of it surrounding me, each one having it’s own connection to/for me, while at the same time being connected to one another. Each part is fluid and shifts as I shift, each one offering me choice and fulfillment.

I would draw that for you but then I’d have to admit that my childhood dream of being an artist didn’t get very far!

Typically as humans we worry about the things that aren’t going so well. The worry part doesn’t make much sense, but paying attention to what isn’t working and what needs to shift to make them a better fit, does. But you knew that already, didn’t you?

Paying attention to what is working makes sense to. Obviously, when things are going well for us, there’s room for celebration, right? Yay, baby! But there is also room for growth. What’s working for us right now is full of ideas that can help us figure out what can improve the stuff that isn’t.

It’s an awareness exercise. And awareness is the mother of all diy ass-kicking lives!

How do you know if something is really working for you? You ask yourself if they leave you feeling good. You can go super deep here but that is the basic yes or no question.

Sometimes we forget that we’re making choices to engage in every single part of our lives, so why would we expect it to feel anything other than good?

Your relationships. How you make a living. Your home space. Your body. Your self care practice. Your sex life. Your spirituality. Start there.

How can the parts of you that are working, inform the parts that aren’t?

Grab your coffee and your journal.

It’s go time.

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