Better or worse is relative

Better or worse is relative

Hearing women short change themselves can annoy me greatly. I was on a Zoom gab with 3 of my sisters recently. When we went around and said how we were doing, one shared some shit that she had been through and made that horrible statement that drives me crazy… “Oh...

Make all your wishes come true

This time of the year, I am full of goodness that I want to share with people around me. Know that as I share my holiday wishes for you, I am grateful for you being with me this year and for what you do for yourself. Your growth is inspiring! So as you go through the...

The top 10 truths about the holidays

My little gift to you… Did you miss this? For the next three Fridays (December 6th, 13th, and 20th, basically up to Christmas), I am taking email questions about how you can improve your holidays this year, free. Ask away about what’s bugging you or where you’re stuck...