The Gratitude Habit

The Gratitude Habit

There is an author that I just love! Dr. Brene Brown, a researcher and social worker from the University of Houston, writes about shame and vulnerability.  Her theories are simple, practical and so damn applicable to every day life that I find myself constantly saying...

Grab some diy joy!!

Hey diy Ass-kicker! How do you get yourself to the point of feeling joy and contentment in your life? I don't mean the joy the comes from having the things that you think will make you feel good about yourself, like money, a hot lover, a kick-ass career, or a...

Letting go = joy

Hey diy Ass-kicker! Man, there’s a lot to let go of in this life. Letting go is about carrying something with you that is simply not joyous. Things that get, and stay under your skin. And those things don’t need to be earth shattering to anyone but you. Any of...