Better or worse is relative

Better or worse is relative

Hearing women short change themselves can annoy me greatly. I was on a Zoom gab with 3 of my sisters recently. When we went around and said how we were doing, one shared some shit that she had been through and made that horrible statement that drives me crazy… “Oh...
2 more women down

2 more women down

This is crazy making! In the past week or so for me, 2 intelligent, thoughtful, amazing women I know have fallen to the effects of stress. And I mean fallen hard. The anxiety, panic, pain kind of fall. The kind where you wind up in emergency because you think you’re...
I know that it’s the very best time

I know that it’s the very best time

Nope. This particular time in our lives with Covid19 hanging over our heads is not the very best time. But guess what is? Having a practice! It’s the very best time to have a practice. First, what’s a practice? It’s a routine of things that you do to keep you on track...
Reaching out my hand and my heart

Reaching out my hand and my heart

Hey, it’s me. The woman who is declaring Crave More Life Coaching as an essential service to women. I seriously am, and it’s because I know it’s hard out there. I know you’re under immense pressure to manage the new normal with your head held high. I know you’re a...
Remember to listen and love

Remember to listen and love

This is such an emotional time. The uncertainty of the whole thing hitting our world can bring up so many feelings in us, including fear, anger, and sadness. My own family is no exception. The other night, one of my kids sent a text on a family thread to say that she...