Can you relate to any of these?

“If I get that new job, then I will be happy.”

“If I could just find a partner who loves me, then my world would be complete.”

“If I didn’t have so much to do, then I could work on myself.”

I certainly can. My consistent was always “If I just finish that degree, then I will feel worthy of respect.”

For so many years I berated myself for not doing what I thought I needed to be worthy and complete. I even tried on numerous occasions to go back to school with the same outcome. Funny how if we don’t change our tactics, our experiences don’t change either.

So I never got there.

When I was a kid, I heard my parents say so many times “When we retire we’re going to do…and have…and life will be perfect.” My Mom died within months of retirement.

They never got there either.

There may be tons of things you want to do, be, or get to but if you wait for them to happen before you think you can be completely fulfilled or happy, you too will never get there. There will always be something missing, even after you have what you were sure would do it.

While you wait, I’m thinking that you (like me) have wondered what’s wrong with you that you can’t get there? Can’t do what you are positive would do the trick? Could it be that Kick-Me sign stuck to your butt?

Are you not intuned enough to the universe?

Are you not a good enough person?

And while you’re in that place of wishing for something great to be bestowed upon you, guess what? It’s pretty much impossible for you to live in the present moment.

You are preventing your own happiness today by focusing on being somewhere else.

That’s called getting in your own fucking way.

Because it’s really about what you want for yourself today. You are all powerful when it comes to your own existence. Seriously!

Please don’t confuse waiting for your happiness with setting goals or going after what you desire in life.

Striving for whatever makes your heart grow big and thrills the beegeebees out of you is freakin’ amazing!

Just don’t wait to be happy until you have it.

When you catch yourself thinking that you need something in your life to make you happy, make a conscious decision to bring yourself back to right now, the present moment. Look around at the joy that is in your life right now instead of relying on someone or something else to get you there.

What if you decided to be happy now, and still go after that new job?

What if you decided that your world was complete, with or without a partner?

What if you decided to work on yourself, even if it means telling people no?

Today is where our happy really lives. Mine lives in accepting every day that I am worthy of respect for the woman I am, not having more letters after my name.

Here’s your call to action:

Affirm your acceptance of who you are today.

“I accept myself and my life right now at this moment, and I am truly blessed.”

Repeat 100 times each day for a week and see how it feels. Change up the message as you need to and keep going. Notice how your outlook changes as you go.

Remember that practice makes a habit and this is about kicking our own asses after all!

Let me know how it works and reply with shares that I can put out next week for the whole community.

You don’t have to wait for happiness, joy, or contentment.

You have it all right now.

xoxo Dianna


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