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Kelvin Young is a certified sound healer and owner of Kelvin Young, LLC. He is also a person in sustained recovery which means Kelvin hasn’t used alcohol or any other drug to cope with his mental and emotional distress since March, 6th 2009. Kelvin is the co-founder of Toivo, a recovery-focus, holistic healing center in Hartford, CT. He also has been inducted into the CT Hall of Change in September 2020 which is designed to recognize formerly incarcerated men and women who have made substantial contributions to CT communities since their release. As well as being a contributing author of Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories, Kelvin is the author of “Finding Freedom Behind Bars: A Journey Of Self-Discovery & Healing” where he shares his story of addiction, incarceration and 3 keys that have helped him move forward without turning back to self-destructive ways of coping or simply giving up.

In this episode, you’ll hear
-how transcendence is like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon
-how Kelvin’s incarcerated life took him into sound healing
-about what this book will do for women

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