While I don’t do it often, I love sharing the perspectives and teachings of other practitioners here on the blog.

Please enjoy this guest post from my talented friend SpiritBird Holton!

Do you consider yourself to be spiritual but have trouble feeling like your true view will be accepted by others?

Because of work, family, and sometimes religion it can be uncomfortable talking with others about the spiritual beliefs we have.

But sharing your spiritual side is such an important part of using your voice, feeling deeply seen and loved, and connecting with others.

You may have had to quiet your voice before, but now you are ready to share again. How do you do that without fear of being judged or causing a lot of unnecessary drama?

When many of us are ready to make a change we can make the common mistake of going too far too fast and scaring ourselves back into silence.

Imagine that you want to share that you believe in spirit guides so you jump up and announce it in the middle of a church service. There is a good chance that wouldn’t be received well because it’s the wrong place and the wrong time and you haven’t built up enough self-trust yet.

I know that might sound ridiculous but we put ourselves in extreme measures like this all the time when we want to make a change.

Your spiritual journey is a deeply personal and transformative experience. For many, this journey is a path to self-discovery, inner peace, and a connection with something greater than themselves. While spirituality can be a profoundly fulfilling aspect of life, sharing it with others can be both liberating and challenging. It’s essential to approach this delicate process with care, and often, that means taking baby steps. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of gradual disclosure when sharing your spiritual side with others.

Respecting Diverse Perspectives

One of the fundamental reasons for taking baby steps when discussing spirituality is the wide range of beliefs and perspectives that exist in the world. What might be deeply meaningful to you could be foreign or even unsettling to someone else. By starting slowly, you allow the people around you to become accustomed to your evolving spiritual journey without overwhelming them.

You’ve probably experienced the other side of this at some point in your life when someone you know had really strong feelings about religion, and their need to convince you felt more like it separated you than connected you. Remember sharing your spiritual side is less about getting people to agree with you and more about exchanging perspectives.

Cultivating Open Communication

Open communication is vital when discussing spirituality with others. Taking baby steps fosters an environment where honest and thoughtful conversations can occur. It allows both you and your loved ones to express your thoughts, concerns, and questions without feeling pressured or judged. This gentle approach encourages a healthier and more respectful exchange of ideas.

Avoiding Misunderstandings

Spirituality can be a complex and abstract concept. When sharing your spiritual experiences and beliefs, there’s a risk of misinterpretation or misunderstanding. By taking baby steps, you can provide context and clarify your thoughts, helping others to grasp the depth and significance of your journey.

Building Trust

Trust is a crucial element in any relationship. Sharing your spiritual side gradually can help build trust with those close to you. It demonstrates your willingness to be vulnerable and open while allowing others to adjust to your evolving beliefs at their own pace. This gradual approach can strengthen your relationships and make them more resilient. Start sharing your spiritual side with people you trust first, and then as you get more comfortable being open and trusting yourself, you can start sharing more with others.

Nurturing Acceptance

In some cases, individuals may encounter resistance or skepticism when discussing their spirituality. By taking baby steps, you give your loved ones time to absorb and accept your changing beliefs. This gentle introduction may ultimately lead to greater understanding and acceptance over time.

Self-Reflection and Clarity

Taking baby steps when sharing your spiritual side can also benefit you personally. It gives you time for self-reflection, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your own beliefs and experiences. This self-awareness can lead to greater clarity and confidence when discussing your spirituality with others.

Promoting Tolerance

Spirituality is deeply personal, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Encouraging tolerance and respecting the diversity of beliefs is crucial in today’s interconnected world. By taking baby steps, you set an example of patience and respect for differing viewpoints, promoting a more harmonious and understanding society.


Sharing your spiritual side with others is a significant step in your personal growth journey. However, it’s essential to approach this process with care and consideration. Taking baby steps allows you to respect diverse perspectives, foster open communication, avoid misunderstandings, build trust, nurture acceptance, promote tolerance, and enhance your own self-awareness. Remember that your spiritual journey is unique and deeply meaningful to you, and by sharing it gradually, you can create a more positive and supportive environment for both yourself and those around you.

About the Author, SpiritBird Holton

During my childhood, I had interactions with the spirit realms, psychic gifts, and prophetic dreams, but struggled to understand their meaning. Without a clear cultural context of what was happening, I felt lost and confused.

In 2007 I experienced my first Shamanic training and realized that I unknowingly had shamanic gifts for a long time. I was so enlivened by the practices that I started formally training in Shamanism for my own personal healing.

Through an ongoing journey of personal healing, I connected to my higher calling to bring my gifts forward. I now help others grow their intuitive gifts and create a more spiritual life that aligns with their purpose and truly helps others.

You can learn more about my offerings at https://holtonhealingarts.com/


My Read & Heal Recommended Reading List

After authoring 4 books, I have access to many other books by many other authors that I know would make awesome gifts for you or for friends or family. Here are my first recommendations, there will be more to come as we get closer to the holidays! If you are an author and would like me to review your book for My Read & Heal Recommended Reading List, reach out!

Sacred Medicine: Mystical practices for Ecstatic Living by Jen Piceno
If you are interested in spirituality, you won’t be disappointed with this book. Jen Piceno is a talented Author and Healer who, along with her co-authors, share stories and tools that will support you on your spiritual path.

My own FYV books, written to heal the writer and the reader.
Find Your Voice, Save Your Life: Powerful Women, Real Stories
Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 2: Powerful Women, Real Stories
Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 3: Powerful Healers, Spiritual Stories
Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories (now on Audible too)
Amazon link This link is for Amazon.com but all 4 books are also on Amazon.ca

Current Programs

Stand By Me
A three-month weekly small group program over Zoom program to stand by your soul so you can be the woman you know you are. Begins again in January ’24.

The Wise Voice Sage
A membership group to exchange voice experiences in real time for coaching and group support. Like sending a text to your besties. Begins November 1st.

The Gathering
A monthly meet-up for healers and joy-bringers to support one another to keep the vibe high in life and business.

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