Let’s start with a deep question.

Is your happy dependent on the behaviour, actions, or validation of another person?

Maybe sometimes…a little…ok, more than you’d like?

Holy moly, woman, welcome to the club! Waiting for the approval of another human being is one of the most common things that women come to coaching for, and yes, I’ve been here too.

One more question.

Is it worth it? Or are you ready to reclaim your power?

Let’s face it, people are going to disappoint us, that’s just part of life. And it’s ok to experience emotions like sadness when that happens.

But the larger issue is that when we’re relying on someone else, we’re giving away our own power to decide from our deep core what we actually need for ourselves. Someone else is making those decisions for us.

I see women all the time who are unhappy, not necessarily down-the-rabbit-hole unhappy, but they just know something isn’t quite right for them.

That’s their inner selves (and the Universe) reminding them that they aren’t completely aligned with what they need. Who their inner selves are doesn’t match up with what they are doing. Their behaviour and actions don’t speak the same values of love for self that is an absolute requirement to rock the shit out of our time here on earth.

Caving to someone else’s perceived power – 1.
Integrity to self – 0.

And since relationships are EVERYTHING in our lives, especially the one with ourselves, it goes without saying that when we aren’t aligned with who we really are, our relationships can go from slightly unsatisfying to really bad.

Where are your relationships, Lovely? Are they hitting the mark for you? Are you walking away feeling satisfied, powerful within, fulfilled?

Put that last sentence against your current relationships. Are they stacking up in your favour or not?

If your relationships are not where YOU need them to be, come join me for You’ll Get What You Want When You Find Your Voice.

It’s a multi session program where you’ll learn how to kick your own ass, tap into your inner self so you know what to ask for, and have relationships that rock. Oh, and you and I will do plenty of playing in the sandbox, life-hacking our way through to honing your get-what-you-want relationship skills.

It’s you and me baby, 1-1, sisters living out loud.

Check it out here!

Hit reply for details or questions, but otherwise I can’t wait to see you on the other side of waiting for someone else to make you happy.


Ps Sharing this link to a new podcast that my good friend Jacqueline Kane, a Medical Intuitive, has started up with her co-host Dr. Liz. It’s a no B.S. dose of mind-body healing, health and wellness. Check it out, if you’re open to wellness, you won’t be disappointed.


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