The word surrender keeps coming up for me.
Surrender isn’t something that I do easily. I’m driven in many ways, especially to express creativity and to protect those who need protection. I love to produce and to support.
Sound familiar?
I know that when the word surrender (or any other particular word) keeps popping into my head, I need to look at it in relation to who I’m being.
Where does surrender come into play when I am action-oriented? What does it even mean to me? Most importantly, what does it mean FOR me and how can I use it to support myself?
Sometimes that means going inside and figuring it out.
Wanna play a bit with me? Let’s go deep!
I picture myself in a bubble called surrender. The bubble is multiple shades of pink and has walls that are a soft material, a bit like cotton candy without the sugar. There’s a huge lounge chair that invites me, soft and comforting, with the sense of being held. My cup of morning coffee awaits, never getting cold. A big cozy blanket is there to wrap around me as I sink in. My breathing is filling me with unconditional love for myself.
This is the beginning of my surrender. In that bubble, I feel the permission to give myself room to be different than I often expect of myself. Different from what others expect of me too. And I dig in…
What has the word surrender meant to me historically? What am I open to it meaning today? What does it have to offer me, in this moment, that will keep me thriving?
How do I feel in my body when I am open to surrender?
It’s the feeling that I’m always looking for, and in the case of surrender, the feeling is about peace. Peace on all levels; mind, body and spirit. That’s what I want, and that’s what will motivate me to stay open to possibilities. Surrender moves me from being driven, to letting in the peace and seeing what’s there.
Great shit comes from contemplation, right? What does surrender look like for you? Take the time to figure it out, in any way that works for you.
Be open to want you learn about yourself, and celebrate your willingness to do things differently. Your willingness to surrender.
Care to join my pink bubble? Let me know so I can conjure up another chair.
I’m accepting guests whenever they are ready to go deep.
Dianna xo
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