Truth, It took me many years to figure out who I really am and to use my own voice to get my needs met. And it’s still a challenge sometimes to remember that as far as my life and well-being goes, I come first.

When I was doing my own inner work to get here, I spent a lot of time considering my motivations.

I’m not confident enough to speak up so I will look like a fool.

I don’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers, piss them off, or create a scene.

I won’t be able to handle my relationships turning sour because I spoke up about what isn’t working for me.

It’s a funny thing about what motivates us, they always seem one sided. And that one side is always about playing small.

I finally decided that I was worth more than that.

These days, I intentionally look to myself to fulfill my needs. I still have great relationships with all (ok, most) of the same people, but I am no longer motivated by protecting myself. There is so much freedom in that.

Wanna know what my biggest motivator is now?

Experiencing the joy and the freedom that comes from aligning to me.

When you figure out that it’s you and only you who can take responsibility for your experiences and your life, and you figure out exactly who you are, perceived flaws and all and act from there, you can get off the bullshit train.

(That’s the one that runs by and picks us up, every time we chicken out and run for protection.)

Imagine what you might feel like if you weren’t held back from using your voice? What would be left? How much more energy would you have? How much more love for yourself would you have?

What you would be is a woman aligned to herself in every way possible. One who knows that the power lies with her to make her life better. A woman who knows what she wants and why. And she is working that voice of hers to get it.

Then there is the joy that I now experience much more freely than ever before. You get to tap into anything and everything you want to. Any joy you see around you and any experience that brings you that joy are open to you.

And peace, pure peace of mind and of body because you are doing what you know is right for you. Because you know what you want and know that you have the power to get it.

I imagine you are like I was.

You’re tired of just dreaming about feeling that sense of peace.

You’re looking forward to a time when you won’t spend more time worrying about having a conversation than actually having it.

You’re longing for your body to relax and not tighten up when you are called to stand up for yourself.

Your body is waiting to stop feeling the stress it continues to pile on when you can’t say what you want and need to say.

It starts right here, with my Find Your Voice series to help you start living out loud. 3 classes on Zoom, an hour each over March.

Be prepared to learn some skills to start to find and use that beautiful, amazing voice of yours. I did it, so can you!

Taking Radical Responsibility for Your Happy

Wednesday March 10th @ 11 am – 12 noon EST

Cost: $35

Awareness: the Key to Knowing Yourself

March 24th @ 11 am-12 noon EST

Cost $35

Living With Intention

March 31st @ 11 am-12 noon EST

Cost $35

Or Register Here for all three sessions in the series for $100!

All classes will be recorded so while live is best, you can still get the juice by listening.

I invite you to join me. Are you ready to start Find Your Voice?

See you there!

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