Years ago, I never even considered that I was missing out on anything in my life. I felt like I had it all, and in so many ways I did have it all.

What I was missing was knowing what I needed and the courage to use my voice to get it. It was so much easier to look outside myself and make others happy than do the work to honour and align to myself. I’m grateful for all the nudges, good and not so good, that made me finally embrace that work. It’s priceless.

I’m sure that there isn’t a woman in the world who hasn’t struggled or had her voice challenged or silenced at some point in her life. And to me, it makes sense that we work on our voices together, supporting each other, standing up for each other.

That’s what was in my mind when I created my new group coaching program “You’ll Get What You Want When You Find Your Voice”.

It may sound like a bold promise, but it’s not. I’ve seen women’s lives change completely for the better when they decide what they want and use their voices in strong and confident ways to get there.

Think about it…

What might it be like for you to actually get what you want?

If you put yourself second or last, if you avoid doing what you want for the sake of others, if you are tolerating what you know damn well you don’t want to tolerate, IF YOU PLAY SMALL, this program is for you.

A small group of like-minded women digging in, taking responsibility for our own happy, getting clear about who we are and what we need and want, and using specific tools to life hack our way through our relationships. Because life is all about our relationships with others AND ourselves.

Are you ready to get what you want? Here’s the link to take a look, book and take advantage of some early-bird pricing!

Instead of $999 for 3 months of working together on finding your voice is $899 for the next 2 weeks.

Can’t wait to see you there, getting everything you want….

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