Are you on a mission to stay high vibe? I’ve been reminded of late of the importance of living a high vibe life. Funny how the Universe gives us little wake up calls to be our best selves. Gotta love the Universe!

I know what you’re thinking. “Sure, it’s nice to feel good, but it’s also a lot of work. And aren’t we entitled to feel like crap sometimes? Isn’t that ‘owning our feelings?’? Life isn’t always rainbows and puppies.”

First, rainbows and puppies are both pretty cool. Second, who said that staying high vibe has to be hard work? It’s simply an energy management process.

As energetic beings, we could always be high vibe if we didn’t have all the social limitations and silencing that runs freely around us, telling us who and what we “should” be. That’s all part of our human experience. As we listen and conform, we think we don’t have a choice but to follow the influence.

But we do have a choice. We own ourselves and can make conscious choices that serve us best. I don’t know about you, but feeling high vibe (aka good) is a choice that I will always make for myself over messing around in low vibe negativity. Do I trip up sometimes? Sure do. Do I use those times to create more awareness for myself to do better next time? Always.

If you want to give it a go, start by thinking about what thoughts, beliefs and behaviours you engage in now that bring you down, and leave your energy low vibe. You can’t judge someone, yell at someone, or be angry, resentful, or rude while being high vibe. Same with gossip or being involved in others drama. Same with believing that you’re not worthy, deserving, or capable. That shit just pulls you down.

Then decide how you want your energy to be and feel. On the off-chance that you want to feel high vibe, consider an experience you had that left you feeling that way. Maybe it was a warm human connection, accepting others around you without judging their choices, or even giving yourself the gift of letting go of things that no longer serve you or allowing yourself to rest when you’re tired. Sit with that for awhile, soak it up. Remind yourself about how different that feels next to how you feel when you are part of negativity. Which do you prefer?

When I think about keeping our energy high vibe, I get a visual of one of those games at the fair where you hit the plate hard enough to ring the bell at the top. High vibe is the ringing bell and we are at choice about how and when we access it.

What would it take for you to ring your own high vibe bell?

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