When we start realizing that what we see in the outer world is a reflection of how we feel inside ourselves; As we become more aware and change our internal dialogue; the world mirrors the results.” James Kawainui, Hawaiian Healer

What do you think of this quote? Does it mean anything to you? It sure does to me.

It’s so easy for us to look at other’s behaviour and decide that we don’t like it. That it’s wrong.

I have found, both in myself and my coaching practice, that taking something that we don’t like in someone else and using it as a guide to our own awareness is a priceless opportunity for growth.

Time and time again I have seen that happen, especially when I have asked myself, where does that show up in my life?

It’s hard sometimes because when we don’t like something in someone else, the last thing we want to do it consider that we are the same. Aren’t we supposed to be better?

No, not better necessarily, just human.

In this quote, my friend James takes it further to remind us that what we feel inside is actually reflected around us. If we’re cranky, the world around us is cranky. If we are joyful, the world around us is joyful.

So the next time you decide that someone’s behaviour is wrong or bad, just sit with yourself and ask the questions that will take you into yourself and your own reality.

What am I putting out into the world that is being reflected back at me? Where in my life do I feel what I see being expressed? What is in the way of me being the change I want to see?

Something to mull over while you have your morning coffee.

Because you are a diy ass-kicker and all, who takes total responsibility for her own experiences.

Just wait for all that to come back to you!

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