There was a time when I would not for the life of me admit that I struggled with using my voice. I was in serious denial about it, and now I can see why.

I didn’t want anyone to think I didn’t have my shit together. I thought I needed to be strong and voice-full to be respected or, as I learned later, loved.

So instead of working on what was lacking in my life, or better yet, creating as much joy for myself as I could, I worked very hard at hiding my truth while under the assumption that hiding it would make it go away. It didn’t.

“Pay attention to your insecurities. They are not there to taunt you, but to show you where to heal.” Dr. Gabor Mate

My experience is similar to lots of women, we swallow our insecurities like a bitter pill, and watch them manifest into deep self-limiting beliefs. The longer we play that game, that harder it can be to get out of it.

What if we decided that our insecurities were not something to avoid but something to investigate?

What if we could change the trajectory of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours by taking a microscope to the places where we feel shitty?

And what if that work could actually propel us forward, closer to our highest self?

That is assuming that you want to be your highest self.

Woman, as much as we like to pretend otherwise, it’s all in our own hands. Our life is our’s to manage, plan for, adore and love in any way that we desire. We make the plan, we call the plays.

That’s kicking our own ass.

Thanks for the insight, Gabor.

Dianna xo

P.S. Are you in my FB group yet? Click here to join Find Your Voice Women!

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