Author of Chapter 12 in Vol 3 of the Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing book series called Sacred Chant: The Heart Connection Through Divine Communication, Amla is a motivational speaker, author, and life coach who speaks and writes about living authentically, embodying self-love and speaking your truth. As a legally blind woman, she is an advocate and activist on behalf of all people living with disabilities, whether they have mobility, hearing, vision, cognitive or other challenges.

At sixteen years old, Amla was diagnosed with Gyrate Atrophy, a genetic eye condition that causes blindness between the ages of 45 and 60. With extreme gradual vision loss, Amla has learned to be mobile with a cane she has affectionately named “Sophia.”

Amla has a degree in Sociology from the University of Connecticut. She has also developed her own intensive yoga and meditation practice, a discipline that she draws on for writing, speaking and inspiring others. She is the author of Eye With a View, an inspiring book that talks about her journey of facing blindness and the insight she has gained through her own life challenges.

Amla is a well-known Connecticut-based motivational speaker. She has been a keynote speakers at a women’s empowerment conference, sponsored by the India Association of Central Connecticut and has also appeared on various internet radio shows including “Geetanjali”.

In this episode you’ll hear

  • how Amla’s initial diagnosis left her in bed for 2 years
  • that blindness has since taught Amla to see from the inside out
  • how it actually takes more energy to fit in then to be authentic

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