Just a heads up that Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories kicks into publication mode very soon!

These are men who live from their hearts, with integrity and with the vulnerability to be exactly who they are instead of the “guy” who society tells them they should be.

Many see this as a book that will liberate men, and I agree. The more men who use their hearts to guide them, the better. I also think this is a book that women will love, and will show us a different side of masculinity that is far more relatable to us.

Put a pin in your calendar for August when the book will be good to go!



Why do I promote us using our voices?

It’s not so you can yell at the guy who threw your Amazon package somewhere within wide proximity of your front door. It’s not so you can flip the bird to whoever cut you off in traffic. And it’s not so you can feel like you’ll never take shit from anyone ever again.

It’s about pure self-expression, baby, and I’m on a mission to get as many humans as possible doing just that. Yes, all of the above are examples of expressing yourself, but I’m talking about expressing your true, authentic self and what you need in ways that feel good to you.

I believe that to truly be content and happy, we need to honour who we are and be that person. Just us, without all the demands that society places on us, without being held back by ancestral trauma or our own life’s history. Just us, simply and purely, aligning to self.

When was the last time you stopped and thought about what was important to you and what you need to feel good? A better question…when was the last time you wrote all that down? Ps ask me about my Deep Core Mapping exercise, it’s a game changer!

Back to writing. Writing is where we can be completely honest with ourselves and open up to what experiences we’ve had that hold us back from expressing and being who we really are.

Maybe you journal. Maybe you blog. Any writing of your life and experiences is awesome because it allows you to release, to peel off as many layers as you care to from experiences that hold you back. Writing is truly a place to heal.

Or maybe you haven’t put your thoughts and words to paper at all. That’s ok too. But experiences that continue to weigh us down are hard to carry. They create a constant dance in our heads between who we are, having had that experience, and who we want to be. Writing helps us release beliefs that don’t serve us and consider that we actually can be who we want to be.

Come dance with me instead! Seriously, I have been known to have impromptu dance parties during my programs! Join other like-minded women who want to get their experiences and stories out of their heads and on paper.

Writing for the Heal of it, my group writing class, is starting up for another session and I’d love for you to be there. Writing about your life experiences will keep you on a path of self-discovery, self acceptance, and being true to yourself. And all that equates to expressing your authentic self by using your voice. It’s a win-win! Plus it’s fun to hang out with other women!

The class runs for 8 weeks, 2 hours/week, starting early May and runs to the end of June. Groups are small, connected and supportive. I’m there for coaching through anything that feels rough. Writing tips, ways to create your awesome writing space, and free gifts from me. Oh my!

Registration will be open within the next week or two. If you want on the Early Bird list to get the info and registration sent directly to you, hit reply or email me and tell me that you want to Write for the Heal of it!

Are you ready to open up to yourself in a safe supportive space with other like-minded humans?

I can’t wait!!

Dianna xo

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