What’s all this about my vibration?

What’s all this about my vibration?

Are you on a mission to stay high vibe? I’ve been reminded of late of the importance of living a high vibe life. Funny how the Universe gives us little wake up calls to be our best selves. Gotta love the Universe! I know what you’re thinking. “Sure, it’s nice to feel...
Taking up space

Taking up space

It took me a long time to figure out that taking up space was one of the most important things I could do for myself, my relationships, and my business. For reals! Space to think. Space to grow. Space to plan. Space to love. Space to give. Space to be more. Space to...
The Fastest Way to Your Happy

The Fastest Way to Your Happy

I work with women who are unhappy with their lives. Usually that’s women who have had so much crap thrown at them over the years, they just can’t get to their happy place anymore.  They just want peace. Peace from the shitty ex-partner. Peace from circumstances where...