Why we need to allow.

Why we need to allow.

There’s this thing called honouring ourselves. You likely won’t find many friends or relatives suggesting it’s easy to honour ourselves, or is even doable. They will tell you, through their words and their actions, that it’s bloody hard and probably can never be fully...
Calm down, it’s still gonna be ok!

Calm down, it’s still gonna be ok!

Become a Certified FYV Healer (CFYVH) If you’re a coach, practitioner, helping or healing professional, or someone who is clear that their purpose is to support the self-healing of others … Don’t miss the next fast tracked round of my Find Your Voice Certification...
Compassion and a big hell no!

Compassion and a big hell no!

Compassion. That word automatically takes me to a place of love and warmth, like a holding of my heart. Yummmmm… I hope it does that for you too. Compassion is the cool thing to be practicing right now. It’s a cornerstone of self-nourishment, and a big self-healer. No...
Ain’t no saviour here

Ain’t no saviour here

The Find Your Voice Boutique Summit tickets are on sale now. 10 professional healers bring their understanding and tools. Be prepared to get in touch with making space for your own inner healing. Full online access for only $27. Get your ticket here. The Find Your...
A Valentines Love Letter to me

A Valentines Love Letter to me

In honour of Valentines Day, the day of love, I offer this message from my heart to yours. Sit with it, personalize it, embody it’s essence. These words weren’t meant just for me. They were meant for the loved, the unloved, the voiceless, the voice-full and the ones...
The “break” lifestyle

The “break” lifestyle

I should have called my break time something different. Break makes me think of a quick coffee when it actually has been so much more than that. The rest is awesome. So is the time for coffee in the hot tub in the morning with my newly retired hubs that prioritizes...