Dianna's Blog
Where you, me and your reality and your awareness, all meet for coffee.
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Vol 2: Authors Healing Journey Series, with Author Rev Dr. Stephanie Red Feather
Our next guest in this Series is Rev Dr Stephanie Red Feather, who authored Chapter #6, Voice Dialogue: Talk to Your Pain. Stephanie is a divine feminine change agent and champion of empaths. An award-winning author of the #1 international best-seller, The...
Does your voice feel free to you?
Your voice. Is it strong and confident? Do you speak your mind, from your heart, from your deep core where you know what you need? Or is your voice quiet? Do you tend to keep your volume to a whisper, flying below the radar of challenges or conflicts, or even from...
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Vol 2: Authors Healing Journey Series, with Authors Susan and Jon Cross
Susan and Jon Cross are a power couple who together have restored a rare habitat, as well as their own lives. Authors of Chapter #11 called, Finding Your Zen: A Recipe for Natural Restoration No Matter Where you Live, Susan and Jon are clear that nature can be used to find your peace.
Has anyone actually seen a weasel??
Well it’s still here. Covid I mean. It’s still here, weaselling it’s way into our daily lives and throwing us off our intended game. Even as we begin to open back up to the way things were in our communities, we’re still faced with how we will manage ourselves and our...
Being self-full, our aligned design, and wearing a mask
Meet Kristi Sullivan. Kristi authored Chapter #20, called The Art of Self-Care: Curating Essential Daily Rituals. Kristi helps women thrive in the areas of health, wealth and happiness by teaching busy women how to give themselves permission to make self-care a...
Self love belongs to you
There’s something about the social messaging about loving ourselves that can feel fake or ingenuine to me. Like it’s this big thing that we’re supposed to understand and practice until the doll-like smile on our faces never come off. And it feels like one more...
The Ultimate Guide To Self-Healing Volume 2: Authors Healing Journey Series with Author, Laura Di Franco
The Authors Healing Journey Series continues with Laura DiFranco. Laura not only wrote Chapter 1 of the UGSH Vol 2 but also produced and published both books in the Ultimate series (2 so far) through her company Brave Healer Productions. She is definitely the...
Just ask already!
Have you ever have trouble asking for things from other people? Is it hard expressing what you want or need from others? It used to be super hard for me to ask for what I needed. So I wanted to share this little story with you. You know about my new co-authored book...
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Vol 2: Authors Healing Journey Series, with Author Susan Purvis
Kicking off the Authors Healing Journey Series is Author #1 is Susan Purvis. Susan wrote Chapter 21 "Wilderness Medicine: Abdominal Pain: Serious or Not?”. She gets totally grounded from being outside, trained her dog to help save lives in the Colorado...
For the love of the goddesses, don’t be held back.
Today is my mom’s birthday, she would have been 91. She’s been gone from earth for more than 25 years now, but I still think of her every single day, wondering what her new life is like, how much she would have loved to see all her kids grow up and have kids, and...
Who said that inside peace was hard to find?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how some people are able to carry themselves with a clear sense of peace. They take things as they come. They’re never part of drama. They just seem to have peaceful souls. I love being around those people, and I admire their...
I’m pretty bloody excited!!
If you’re connected with me on Facebook, you know that I am jumping out of my skin to be a contributing author to this great new book, soon to be published on Amazon! Look at how gorgeous the cover is!! It’s an amazing feeling to begin to see one of my bucket list...
What if you decided not to give a shit? 🤬
Years ago, I gave lots of shits about what other people thought about me. Not so much anymore. It’s not that I never wonder how others will react to my behaviour and what it could mean to our relationship, or mean about me. The difference is that now I hear those...
Fathers and Daughters
It's Father's Day today. In honour of my dad, on a day that fills my heart with thoughts and love for him and all he gave me, I'm sharing a short version of a piece that I wrote shortly after his passing. Writing this helped me heal immensely, yet I'm feeling some...
Why is it so hard to be kind to ourselves when we feel shitty?
It's true. It's harder to be kind to ourselves when we feel shitty than when we feel good. Ask anyone who is currently feeling shitty. And that could be many women today, given the current upheaval in our lives right now. We all know full well that showing kindness to...
When we say nothing, we say everything
With all the protests over the deaths of George Floyd and other black men and women, I am in shock once again that anyone could consider another human being as less than another. Naive perhaps as this is nothing new, people have been looked upon, judged, and punished...
Seriously, you want me to deal with my stress? Now?
Hey diy Ass-kicker! Just checking in with you. Women are going a bit bat-shit crazy right now, trying to figure out the roller coaster of emotions they’re experiencing…the anxiety, the sadness, the frustration, the exhaustion, the frequent shifts from feeling one...
Oh ya. Remember that time your kids gave you more wisdom than you could muster up for yourself?
My grandkids alway make me laugh. That’s a given. They also surprise me much of time by showing me how deep their little souls are and how incredibly wise they are for their young years. Take Madison, she is almost 6. We were hanging out together, pre-Covid-19 of...
Just one experience at a time
As much as I’d like to ignore our current circumstances, I can’t ignore that women are struggling right now. Fear, anxiety and depression seem to top the list of feelings that are dragging us down. Even women who feel like they have all their shit together still have...
On being a Mom…
Happy Mom’s Day!!! Today is a day to celebrate moms and what they mean to us. I’m talking to my mom all day today and recalling all the things she taught me about mom’ing…and yes, I’m sure that mom’ing is a real word! I hope your loved ones honour you today, and every...
Remember that time you were pissy, then moved on to the good stuff?
Hey diy Ass-kicker! I get pissy too. Right now it’s about the weather, you know that thing that I have full control over. This is not the time to be stuck inside hiding from the pouring rain. I get tired of listening to all this pandemic bullshit, where rules are not...
I know that it’s the very best time
Nope. This particular time in our lives with Covid19 hanging over our heads is not the very best time. But guess what is? Having a practice! It’s the very best time to have a practice. First, what’s a practice? It’s a routine of things that you do to keep you on track...
You have one job
Don’t forget the Wine Parties on Zoom! Tuesdays and Fridays until C19 gives up its stranglehold on us. Register here! And if you missed it, here are my deeply discounted options for getting some support during a time when we could all use a shot of resilience! Best...
Reaching out my hand and my heart
Hey, it’s me. The woman who is declaring Crave More Life Coaching as an essential service to women. I seriously am, and it’s because I know it’s hard out there. I know you’re under immense pressure to manage the new normal with your head held high. I know you’re a...
Remember to listen and love
This is such an emotional time. The uncertainty of the whole thing hitting our world can bring up so many feelings in us, including fear, anger, and sadness. My own family is no exception. The other night, one of my kids sent a text on a family thread to say that she...
It’s a Wine Party, plus some thoughts on chillin’ out.
CML’s Virtual Wine Party on Zoom! Friday April 3rd at 2 pm Red, white, or fuzzy water, your choice. Be there or be square. Got a funny joke or meme? Bring it. And snacks, bring snacks. Physical distancing rules in place so no sharing permitted. And BYOW, obviously....
We are all in this together so join me on Friday
These are scary times and women are worried. Worried for the health of our kids, our partners, our aging parents, our extended families, our friends. Worried that people are dying from Covid-19, and someone in our household still needs to go to work. Worried about our...
Today, just do you!
Hey diy Ass-kicker! It’s a strange time in our world right now. So many women are overwhelmed, immobilized, and feel like complete shit from the worry and chaos that Covid19 has brought us. I’m not going to go on about all the things that you can do to decrease your...
I was regressing quite nicely
Hi everyone I’ve been thinking about COVID19 and listening to the crazy-making fear and worry that is welling up around me in my community, and I imagine in yours. While all that is happening, you’ve had a bunch of emails from me about the Inner Goddess Challenge (and...
IWD: Another woman’s story is our story too + Have you met your inner goddess?
The Inner Goddess Challenge is ready to rock and roll! 5 days of knowing yourself to be yourself, and stop feeling like crap (a little or a lot!) and it’s FREE! The IG Challenge is free training that will give you concrete tools to know yourself without reading the...
No rest for the wicked
My mother used to say “no rest for the wicked” with some frequency when I was growing up. Can’t say I ever really asked her about what she meant, other than if you are the wicked type, you’re gonna always be chased. For some weird reason, those words keep jumping into...
Help is the sunny side of control
I was watching author Anne Lamott’s recent Ted talk the other day. A humorous take on life and the value of writing.One thing she said was especially interesting, and very true. “Help is the sunny side of control.” Boom. And boom again. Being a helper is a defining...
For the love of life, stand with another woman and tell the rules to f*ck off!
Some days I wander around thinking that there are sooooo many rules we have to follow. Some of them are imposed by this less-than-perfect-but-not-without-promise world of ours that is still operating as though women are less than men. Other rules are completely self...
When Cupid is a Jerk
Ya, you know it. Cupid can be a jerk. Why you say? He’s so cute and all! He is cute but not cute enough to get past a diy Ass-kicker. Cupid’s job is to connect people to love. He simply uses his arrows to shoot someone, probably in the ass, and we are supposed to be...
Energy: is your’s switched on or off?
When I’m on my game, I have big energy and could probably move a mountain if I needed to. But when I’m off my game, I am drained, exhausted, spent. There are no mountains moved, only gazed at longingly. (I looove the mountains!) Do you have on-game and off-game days?...
You can’t measure your shitty feelings with a busted measuring cup
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Stuck? Like shit? How’s that working for you? I say that with all the love because I know women. And I know that even in shitty states of mind, we often can’t admit to anyone including ourselves, the true answer to that question. Here’s...
The danger of self-trash talk
I went to a yoga class recently. I'm a newbie at yoga, having never really got it before now.Other than the sweat that drips down into my eyeballs, I'm having fun! So on that day I had just rolled out my mat and towel when this very handsome young man started to set...
It doesn’t have to be hard
Hey diy Ass-kickers! How’s it going with those new year changes you were planning to make? Thought I’d ask since it’s coming up to “the” date when people usually have dumped them for their old routines, once again feeling shitty about themselves for not following...
Crap. I’m blowing my resolutions already.
To celebrate 2020, I’m creating some new programming that I think will rock your boat, or maybe the saying is to help you float your boat. Whatever! To help me fine tune what's coming up, I’m hoping you will click here and fill out this short little survey for me....
Make all your wishes come true
This time of the year, I am full of goodness that I want to share with people around me. Know that as I share my holiday wishes for you, I am grateful for you being with me this year and for what you do for yourself. Your growth is inspiring! So as you go through the...
The top 10 things you should avoid if you want to improve your holiday experience
“If I am to step into a new experience, I need to end or adjust behaviours that don’t serve me” ~Dianna We all know, deep down, what we really need to have the holiday we want. Here are some eye-opening things to avoid while you’re working your ass off to get there!...
The top 10 truths about the holidays
My little gift to you… Did you miss this? For the next three Fridays (December 6th, 13th, and 20th, basically up to Christmas), I am taking email questions about how you can improve your holidays this year, free. Ask away about what’s bugging you or where you’re stuck...
Shhh! No one but you will know that you’re trying to turn your holidays from a bit of madness to a lot of pleasure.
I adore the holidays, and I’m in a gift-giving mood! For the next three Fridays (Dec 6, 13,& 20), I am taking email questions about how you can improve your holidays this year. Ask away about what’s bugging you or where you’re stuck and I’ll answer as quickly as I...
Self-Imposed Hurdles
A big grateful shoutout to my American diy ass-kickers! Thanks for being part of my tribe and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! At some point in their lives, all women can see that something is happening for them that isn’t working. They need change. But when they get...
You have a superpower
I have had a medium tell me for many years that I am part angel. Crazy, huh? When she first told me that, I immediately pictured myself with huge white feathery wings and a halo over my head. Lol! Pretty sure that halo slipped down and tried to strangle me a few times...
Streams of love, streams of discipline
Life brings whatever the Universe wants it to, right to our front door. And when it does, we’re left with considering how to manage our response. Do we go left or do we go right? I see left as being our love for ourselves, the love the feels so good, you totally get...
Getting to our Self Worth
Self worth. What does that mean to you? To me it’s about our inner value. Notice I said inner value, not outer. Self worth is not about what you look like, how much money you make, what your job is, or where you travel. And it’s not about doing things you think will...
Hello Avoidance. You are my friend, right???
Welcome to the world of avoidance. I was all set to get into explaining about avoidance but realized that you already know all about it. You know what you avoid in your life and, somewhere deep down, you know why. So here is a coaching challenge for you. Write that...
A Twist on Being Grateful
It’s Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and you gotta know that everyone will have gratitude on the brain. Me included. It’s hard to ignore being grateful when giving thanks for the abundance before us is really the purpose of the holiday. Tell me. Where is the first...
Gentle works too
I decided to use the tag “kicking your own ass” very purposefully. To me it means that we all need to do our own inner work if we want more happy in our lives. After all, if we don’t do it, life will. Women seem drawn to the phrase, but often for the wrong reasons. In...
Small steps to making change in your life
Any true change we make in our life can be fucking hard. Agree? That has certainly been my experience both personally and professionally. Where do you sit with changes or shifts that you know you need or want to make? Are you looking at them straight in the eyes,...
Conflict can be simply a difference of opinion
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Remember that time when you got into an argument with someone, maybe drama ensued, it was horrible and kept you awake at night. Conflict sucks. It sucks because we women are lovers, not fighters. I seriously think it’s not in our DNA to want to...
Being You Again
Hey diy Ass-kickers! I worked with a client once who wanted coaching to help her “get back to being me again”. She was lost in a life full of habits and routine that had her doing things she wasn’t all that happy about doing and not doing the things that she longed to...
There is no power in not being present
Can you say that you are present to what is happening in front of you in the moment 100% of the time? Can you say you are present 75% of the time? Half the time? Or do you suck at being in the moment? It’s hard sometimes to not let your mind wander! Maybe you’re...
You know there is a link between your behaviour and your soul, right?
Well, happy fall ya’ll! Ok, it’s not officially fall yet but the weather is saying otherwise. This summer has been great at my end. Some health stuff changed up my plans for a good part of it, but it gave me more time to rest, reflect and spend down time with my...
Remember that time when you needed a bit of help standing up for yourself?
Ok, we all know how hard it is to stand up for ourselves sometimes. It’s easy (and normal!) to be uncomfortable, embarrassed, shy, fearful, whatever it is you feel in the moment when you know that it’s time for you to set things straight for YOU. But you’re not alone,...
Perfection comes from within
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about perfection. Perfection is a standard. A standard that we hold ourselves to in order to not feel the lack of worth that can come with its failure. Perfection can be about anything. For some it’s our looks, others our behaviour, and...
How good is your feel good, really?
I believe that making ourselves feel good is our number one job. Partly because it’s our goddess-given right, partly because no one else can do it for us, and partly because when mama isn’t feeling good, nobody feels good and I know how important it is for women to...
The danger of MEH
What do you say when someone asks how you are? Fine. Ok. Meh. Seldom do we say how great our life is. Why? Some of us don’t want to be seen as bragging. Some of us are afraid to be bold and jinx it. But most of us don’t say great because not every part of our life IS...
The summer (or the lifetime) of lies.
In this summer of 2019, there seems to be a theme emerging with my clients. It’s about lies. Women lie all the time. Sometimes we are aware of it, sometime we aren’t. Most of the time, we think we are keeping our own secrets by lying but truthfully we can’t lie to...
Are you ok with letting another summer pass you by?
Happy summer!! We are pretty much in the middle of our summer in Canada. Weather in my part of the country has been good. Weird at times, but good. What does summer mean to you? For me it’s long hot days, outdoor swimming and biking, leisurely walks, camping, farmer’s...
Hard truth about drama and conflict. Only open if you’re ready for it…
Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s funny. Most women that I have worked with hate drama. And yet, most of them are mixed up in the middle of it somewhere, desperate to get out. He said, she said, they did this and thus, I couldn’t believe it, it was rude and I felt attacked,...
Remember that time you stopped sweating and just did what you could?
So you know you need to shift some shit around in your life. You kinda know what needs shifting but beyond that, the how-to part like completely overwhelming. Last week I mentioned about how sometimes we know what we need to do to make changes, but still hold...
It’s on you to look after yourself
I often get women coming to me for coaching support because they just don’t feel good about themselves or their lives. And as we begin the process of digging for answers, the common theme for most of those women upon reflection is that their lives are not their own....
You really can’t practice vulnerability on Facebook
Sometimes it feels like the term vulnerability has become a bit of a buzz word. Every time I’m on social media I read about people claiming to be vulnerable with the expectation that doing so will change their lives. And practiced thoughtfully, vulnerability has the...
Ever wonder about making your dreams come true? Manifesting your big desires? Our dreams are not something that we are supposed to feel shitty about because they have yet to arrive, I believe our dreams are meant to come true. Manifesting is how we can help realize...
Choose over being chosen
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Most of us don’t prioritize how we spend our precious time. You likely know the drill, especially if you are around my age where there are kids, grandkids, parents, extended family, community commitments, homes to maintain, and oh ya…paid...
Moms rock!
It’s Mother’s Day! Yay! It’s our day to celebrate the super important, might I say irreplaceable, role that moms play in our world. We do that by honouring our own mothers and those women who mothered us, by letting ourselves accept all the love that we deserve for...
Choosing perfect
Let’s face it. We women spend far too much time feeling less than perfect. Our inner mean girls live happily in our heads, telling us stuff that makes us believe untruths about ourselves, like what we can do and how we really look to others. We easily create stories...
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
A confession…
As most of you know, my dad passed away recently after a process of swift brain deterioration. To say that it was a devastating, heart-breaking experience feels trite. It was one of the most difficult things that I have ever been witness to. With my heart held...
When you start worrying more about someone else than yourself
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Ok, let’s be completely honest here. How many times in any given day do you wish someone would do things differently? Get their shit together? Change in some way? It’s pretty easy to look at others and see what they need to do to be happy or to...
How to build your inner self
Hey diy Ass-kickers I spend most of my time thinking, sharing and teaching about how we can find peace within ourselves. Real peace that allows us to speak our minds and bodies, and stand up for what we know is important. Real peace that lets us accept ourselves as...
That time when you know you need to dig deeper…
Gremlins. Inner mean girls. Those pain-in-the-ass, bossy pants messengers that hold you back. The voices inside your head. You know what I’m talking about. We all have them, we just call them different things. Whatever we call them, those voices can strangle us into...
Happy birthday to me!
Hey diy Ass-kickers Today is my birthday, and I adore birthdays! I love having a day all about me. And no, that’s not selfish. That’s loving a day that is full of reflection and plenty of self-care. Life gets complicated sometimes, right? We know what we want and...
I wanna know your top 5
Hey diy Ass-kicker Values are important because they define why we do what we do, how we do it, and when/where we do it. Given the chance, our values can lead us to do things that can literally make us feel like a rock star. Getting to know our values is an incredible...
How are you showing up?
Over the last few weeks, the outpouring of condolences, caring and love to my family has been incredible. And very comforting when we are still reeling from one expected loss and one very unexpected loss. As I read the beautiful words in notes, on memorial pages and...
What is your spirit?
What is your spirit? I have never considered myself a religious woman. But I am spiritual. In fact, connecting to my spirituality has been one of the most healing things I have ever done. There have been times in my life when I needed and wanted to find the sweet spot...
Life or death, it all comes down to us.
I am back at my desk after some time off. My dad recently passed away into the next realm, and my deep core told me that I needed the time to process my life with him and how his life ended. The tears have been plenty and the emotions have been all over the map. My...
The Gratitude Habit
There is an author that I just love! Dr. Brene Brown, a researcher and social worker from the University of Houston, writes about shame and vulnerability. Her theories are simple, practical and so damn applicable to every day life that I find myself constantly saying...
When Intentions Don't Work
I adore setting intentions. I set them for the kind of day I want to experience, the kind of relationships I want, and the things that I want in my life. But as much as I use them all the time, it's true that sometimes they don't work. You intend great stuff all over...
Nobody gets to tell you when to feel shitty
I had another post for today but as I sat down to put it together, I heard this crazy radio story about January 21st. January 21st is apparently Blue Monday, the most depressing or saddest day of the year. Based on a psychological formula, it’s about how we feel about...
Just how long is your f-ups list?
Hey diy Ass-kickers! I love reading (and writing) about forgiveness. Forgiveness is an important part of our yummy self-care existence and is something that we all need to get a handle on. Why? Because we all fuck up sometimes. If you’re not making mistakes, you may...
Believing more than just the shit in your head
Hey diy Ass-kickers What is it that holds us back more than anything? Our beliefs about ourselves. What is it that keeps us believing what we do? Our history from childhood to this morning. Our thoughts and feelings that come from how we see ourselves throughout our...
The #1 thing that will make your 2019 rock
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Lets start the new year off with a big bang! Do you really want to change shit up in your life? Do something that will make a big impact on what you accomplish and how you feel in the coming year and beyond? There is one thing that you can do, and...
2019 and the guts of change!
It’s started. The niggling of the new year’s approach. The pull to make changes. The yank to improve who we are. 2018, and the past couple of years before that, were very different for me. They brought with them tons of change, not just at the beginning of each year...
Loose canons, no boundaries and shots. Obviously it's the holidays!
What in Christmas bells are you waiting for? The deal of the year (and maybe forever since my coach is going to give me such grief for this) is happening right now until midnight Christmas Eve! 1/2 price coaching…sessions, packages, intensives, the whole tamale! You...
Not everyone is feeling great right now…
Hey diy Ass-kickers As much as the holiday season brings so much love, warmth, and feelings of peace to us, not everyone feels it. But you know that already. People struggle with this time of the year. It can be a huge trigger for those who don't have that love,...
Self-rescue and learning from my love
Hey diy Ass-kicker! I was having a chat with my love the other day, you know, one of those wonderful talks over coffee in the wee hours of the morning before anyone gets up and turns on too many lights! My guy is a very sensitive man and we are (for the most part) on...
A few of my fav things: gift ideas for the diy Ass-kicking woman!
Hey diy Ass-kicker! The holidays are coming! When it comes to gifts, and being a diy Ass-kicker like me, you love to buy things that are meaningful, useful, and empowering. Yes! Here are some fun items that I absolutely love that you can choose from. Have a blast...
Mind fuck or mind focus?
Do you know where your mind is focused every day? Your mind can be focused on anything you chose to focus it on. It can work to help you grow and feel good about your life, or it can zap the shit out of it. That includes your physical energy, your relationships, what...
The mo-fo challenge!
This weekend is American Thankgiving. Our Thanksgiving celebration was over a month ago, but Canada being so close to the US in so many ways, and having family, friends, and clients living in the US, I like to acknowledge the celebration. As I thought about this blog,...
So who the ‘eff does that?
Hey diy Ass-kicker! I have a good friend who had a nasty break up of her long-term marriage a while ago. She and I spent long hours talking about what had happened and why, looking beyond the pain of the moment to recognize the underlying issues for her, making some...
When you really wanna stand for something
Hey diy Ass-kickers I truly admire people who live and work to service of others and the community. Especially those who take a stand for what they know clearly is not right. There are so many people (women and children are high on the list) that need support of...
On not being an asshat in return…
I had an issue with this guy the other day. The circumstances don’t matter, suffice to say that he pissed me right off. I don’t get triggered much these days, thankfully. I would describe myself for the most part as calm and in control of myself. But this dude messed...
It’s not always about the demands of others
Hey diy Ass-kickers! We talk a lot on this blog about getting to the point where we feel tapped out, completely full of the demands from others who want us to do more for them. And we’ve talked a lot about how that leaves us feeling. Resentful and pissed come to mind...
Yep, the Universe has kicked my ass!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! This weekend in Canada is our Thanksgiving celebration. I do love this weekend. I love that my daughters have kept up our family traditions with their kids. I love that we all know that it’s not a work day, it’s a play day. I love how we all do...
Consistency Equals Momentum…
Hey diy Ass-kickers It’s true! Consistency = Momentum. Are you the kind of woman who decides her goals and just makes them happen, no matter what? I love that. Or are you like so many women that I have crossed paths with over the years of this work who...
I Can't Hear You!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Seriously, how loud can you be? You’ve got something to say, right? Don’t you want people to hear you? Of course you do. But sometimes it’s not as easy as we think it should be. Sometimes there are...